me and tyga in our bathroom bout to brush our teeth

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me and tyga go to our sink we get our tooth brushes and tooth paste we open up our tooth paste i turn on our sink water to hot then me and tyga wet our tooth brushes then we put tooth paste on our tooth brushes we cap our tooth paste we put them up then we wet our tooth brush a lil then we brush our teeth we get done then we wet our tooth brushes then we put them up in our holders then tyga turns off our hot water at our sink then we go get new rags then we go back to our sink then tyga turns on our hot water we wet our rags then i turn our sink water off then me and tyga whipe our eyes out them we whipe our mouths and our face then we get done we go hang our rags up away from our wash rags we used in the shower then we walk to our bathroom door we walk out of our bathroom then we walk to our bed room door we walk out of our bed room we walk to the stairs we walk down the stairs we go get our stuff then we get gaston nd serenity stuff then we walk out of the kitchen then we go to the living room we go get serenity and gaston me and tyga unzip our purses we get our keys out then we get our iphones out then we zip up our purses then we walk to the front doors of our mansion tyga unlocks our doors then he opens them then we walk to our cars we unlock them we open up our back doors on the left side we put gaston nd serenity in they car seats i strap gaston in i put gaston stuff down then i close his door then i open my driver door i get in i start my car up then i close my door i put my seat belt on i see tyga get into his car after he closes serenity door and puts her stuff down on the floor under her then he closes his car door he buckles up them me and him drive out of our drive way we drive drive away from our mansion we still driving i get to gaston school i pull into gaston school then i find a parking space i park my car then i turn my car off then i take my seat belt off i get my keys then i open my driver door i get out then i close my driver door then i open my left back door i get gaston stuff then i undo gaston seat belt straps i pick him up tben i close my car door then i lock my car up with my keys then i walk away from my car i walk to gaston school i open the door i walk in i walk to gaston class room i open the door i walk in i put gaston down he gose and plays with his friends then i walk to his cubby i put his stuff into his cubby then i walk to the door of his class room i open it i walk out then i walk to the front door of his school i open it then i walk out i close the door then i walk to my car i unlock my car with my keys then i open my driver door i get in i start my car then i put my seat belt on then i close my door then i drive out of the parking lot of gaston school then i drive out of the entrince of gaston school then i drive away then im still driving and driving im still driving then i pull up to my job i pull in then i finda parking space i park my car then i turn my car off i grab my stuff then i zip my purse up i open my driver door i get out of my car i  lock my car up with my keys then i walk away from my car i walk to the fron doors of my job i unlock the doors then i do my alarm code then i walk in then i close the doors then i go get settled after i get settled nd stuff nd i clock in my emloyees start coming in one by one and going to the brake room putting the code kn nd opening the door nd going to do what they have to do then they come out of the brake room and they get right to work while they are working im chilling in my office i text my hubby tyga we still texting then we get done then we both close outofourtext mesegeas i get up from my desk i go check on my emplees then i go back to my office then i walk in then i go do paper work and get checks ready then i get done doing checks then i get back to doing what i have to get done then hours into the morning my alarm gose off i grab my iphone i put my code in then i turn my alarm off nd i close out of it after i open it up then i put my iphone down nd i get back to work im still working then my emploees come to my office one of them knocks on my office door i get up out of my office chair i walk to my office door i open my office door then my emploees come in i go get they checks i go hand out they checks then they leave out of my office they go to the brake room to go put they checks up nd stuff they come out of the brake room they go back to work it gets later into the afternoon minutes later my emploees get done working nd stuff then they clean up nd stuff then they go to the brake room and they clock out nd get they stuff then they leave out of the brake room they get they keys out they purses then they walk to the front doors of my store they open the doors they walk out they close my doors they get in they cars they put they stuff down on they passenger seats then they buckle up then they start they cars then they close they car doors and they pull out of the parking lot of my store they drive away from my store im still working then i get done working for the night my alarm gose off on my iphone i get my iphone i put my code in then i turn off my alarm clock then i click my iphone off then i clean up my stuff i clock out then i gather up my stuff then i get my keys i walk to my office door i cut my lights off then i walk out of my office then i close my office door i lock it up with my keys then i walk away from my office door i walk to the front of my job then i cut the lights out then i open the doors of my store i walk out then i close the doors then i lock up my store i do the alarm i walk away from my store i walk to my car i unlock my car with my keys then i open my driver door i get in my car i start my car up with my keys then i put my stuff down on my passenger seat then i put my seat belt on then i drive out of the parking lot of my job im still driving i drive to the exit of my job i drive out then i drive away from my job im still driving and driving then i pull up to me and tyga mansion i pull into our drive way i pull right next to tyga car then i turn my car off with my keys then i get my stuff off my passenger seat i undo my seat belt i open my driver door i get out of my car i close my driver then i lock my car up then i walk away from my car i walk to the front doors of me and tyga mansion i unlock the front doors i walk in i close the mansion doors i lock them then i walk to the kitchen i unzip my lunch bag i go put up my ice pack up in the freezer then i get done then i walk away from the fridge then i walk out of the kitchen then i walk to the stairs i walk up the stairs i walk to me and tyga bed room door i open it then i walk in to me and tyga bed room i strip out of my clothes i had on at work today but tyga gets out of our bed on his side he walks to me he kisses me tyga how was work today chris me it was ok tyga ight dont take yo clothes off we gone go get some food me ok tyga gose nd gets his man purse nd he puts his shoes back on he had on today then we walk out of our bed room we go get gaston and serenity from they rooms we walk out they rooms with them we walk to the stairs we walk down the stairs i get my keys out of my purse me and tyga walk to the front doors i open them tyga walks out with serenity and i follow them with gaston i close the front doors of our mansion then i lock our front mansion doors with my keys me and tyga walk to my car i unlock my car then me and tyga open both my back seat car doors

me and tyga go to our sink we get our tooth brushes and tooth paste we open up our tooth paste i turn on our sink water to hot then me and tyga wet our tooth brushes then we put tooth paste on our tooth brushes we cap our tooth paste we put them u...

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