leaving chris car

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chris gets her keys out her back pocket she locks her car up then she puts her keys in her back pocket then she grabs the handle of gaston stroller me and chris walk away from her car i put both serenity carseat hood and stroller hood to block her face from the sun me and chris walk to the park me chris i see a walking track lets go walk it chris ok hun me and chris go to the walkin track we walk it we keep walking and walking and walking me chris you tired yet chris no t im not me ight chris yea you tired t me no chris ok me yea i give chris a kiss she kisses me back we continue to walk this long long ass trail track then we keep walking then we get to the end then we walk all the way back then chris gets her keys out we leave the park play area we walk back to chris car we get to chris car chris unlocks her car then we open our doors i take serenity hoods down then i take her out her stroller i put her on top of her bottom car seat i put her carseat handle up so she can look at her hanging toys then i put her dipare bag on the floor under her then i close her door then i get into the passenger seat i close my door then chris gets gaston into his seat she buckles him up then she closes the door then she opens the driver door she pops open her trunk she presses both buttions on gaston and serenity strollers she picks them up she puts them in her trunk then she presses the buttion on her trunk door it gose down then i closes then she walks to her driver door she opens it she gets in she puts her seat belt on then she starts her car then closes her door then she drives she drives away from the park then she drives and drives and drives and drives then 48 minutes later then she pulls on to our street then she drives to our house she pulls into the drive way then she cuts her car off she gets her keys she takes her seat belt off i undo mine too then we get out i get serenity out chris gets gaston out then she locks her car me dont we gotta get they strollers out yo trunk chris yea chris gets her keys she unlocks her car she opens her driver door then she pops open her trunk then she closes her door then we walk to the back of her trunk we get the strollers and the dipare bags then chris closes her trunk then she locks her car up

chris gets her keys out her back pocket she locks her car up then she puts her keys in her back pocket then she grabs the handle of gaston stroller me and chris walk away from her car i put both serenity carseat hood and stroller hood to block her...

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