in serenity room

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i walk into serenity room me serenity come on so i can give you a bath you and gaston got school tomorrow serenity ok dada dada me yes serenity can i bring toys in my bath me no serenity 😥😥 me hush girl serenity ok dada me and serenity walk into her bathroom i walk to her sink i put her clean underclothes down then i walk to her shower i open her shower door i turn her shower onto hot she walks in i get her soap i soap her rag up i help her wash up then i get done then i turn her shower off she opens her shower door she steps out of her shower then i dry her off with her towle then i take her towle and i hang it up next to her rag then i go get her under clothes i push them over so she can put them on by herself she puts them on she looks at me look dada i did it me good job serenity serenity thanks dada me your welcome me and serenity walk to her bathroom door i look down at her me payton go put ya night stuff back on payton k dada payton gose and puts on her night wear then she walks to me ok dada i did it me ok i go get her dirty clothes she had on then we walk to her bathroom door i open it we both walk out of her bathroom then we walk into her bed room she walks to her bed she gets into her bed she prays then she lays down i cover her up i give her a kiss then i give her her plushie bow bow she holds it and she gose to sleep i walk to her bed room door i turn off her bed room light i open her bed room door i walk out of her bed room i close her bed room door then i walk to me and chris bed room i walk into our bed room i walk to our bed i walk to my side of the bed i pull the covers back chris walk into our bed room she walks to our bed she walks to her side of our bed then she pulls the covers back she gets into our bed on her side she prays she tells me good night me good night chris she lays down onto her pillow we both go to 😴 then minutes minutes later me and chris both get up we stretch then we go get stuff for a shower 12 am we get our stuff for a shower then we get our shower caps then we close our dresser drawrs up and then we walk to our bathroom door we walk into our bathroom we walk in we go put our stuff onto our clean sink on both sides we strip out our night wear and under clothes then i walk to me and chris shower then i turn on the shower i turn it on to hot

i walk into serenity room me serenity come on so i can give you a bath you and gaston got school tomorrow serenity ok dada dada me yes serenity can i bring toys in my bath me no serenity 😥😥 me hush girl serenity ok dada me and serenity walk into...

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