ms abby leaving kfc and heading home to the mansion

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after ms abby turns around in her seat she drives to the exit of kfc she drives out then she drives away she is still driving nd driving then she still driving then she pulls up to our masnion she pulls up to the gate the gate opens she pulls in she drives to the back she parks her car then she cuts her car off she takes her keys out then she undose her seat belt then she opens her door then she gets out she gets her purse and her food nd drink then she gets the other food then she closes her driver door then she walks around to the front then she unlocks the doors with her keys then she walks in she closes the doors she locks them she gose to her office bed room door she walks in then she gose nd puts her drink down onto her night stand away from her other stuff then she walks to her office bed room door then she walks out she gose to the kitchen she puts our bag of food down then then she puts her food down then she gets a plate out of the cabnit then she walks to the table she opens her bag she gets her food out then she opens it she puts her food onto her plate then she gose and throws the empty box nd bag away in the trash can then she gose back to the table then she gets her plate she walks away from the table then she gose to the micrwave she opens it then she puts her plate in there then she closes the micrwave then she puts it on what she gonna put it on then she stands back she waits then the micrwave stops then sye gose and opens it she takes her hot plate out of the micrwave she closes it then she walks away she gose and gets one of her napkins then she walks to the exit of the kitchen she walks out then she gose to her office bed room she walks in then she gose to her bed then she gets on her bed she blesses her dinner she gets her tv remote she turns on her tv she puts her tv remote down then she watches tv nd she eats her dinner then me and tyga get off our bed then we put our feet into our slippers we go to our bed room door we go get serenity and gaston we walk out of they bed rooms then we go to the stairs then we walk down the stairs then we go to the kitchen we walk in we go put gaston nd serenity into they chairs i go get gaston food nd water bowls thats already made i go put his stuff down infront of him me nd tyga go get our plates nd tyga gets serenity plate we go back to the table we put the plates down we open our bag of food we get the food out of the bag we seperait it on plates after we open the food up then we get done everything is empty then tyga gose and throws the bag away into the trash can with the empty wrappers then he walks away from the trash can i get plates one at a time i go to the micrwave i open it up i put the plate in there then i close the micrwave then i go set the table i go do the other plates one at a time then i get dome then i go set the table then me and tyga pull our chairs out then we sit down but tyga gets up he gose nd gets himself and serenity sum to drink then he comes back to the table he puts the drinks down then he gose nd gets me sum to drink he comes back he puts my drink down then he takes his seat in his chair we bless dinner amen then we all eat our dinner then we get done me and tyga get up from the table then we clean up the table then we go do the dishes then we get done tyga leaves the dish washer lid down then tyga walks away then we go get serenity and gaston out of they chairs then we push they chairs into the table then we go push our chairs in then we walk to the exit of the kitchen we walk out of the kitchen ty cuts out the lights then we go to the stairs we walk up the stairs then we go to serenity and gaston rooms then we go in we go put them to bed serenity dad i have to potty tyga ok tyga puts serenity down serenity gose to her bathroom she walks in she pulls her night pants and undies down then she gose to her tolite she lifts up her tolite seat lid then she sits down up on her tolite seat she gets a lil piece tissue off of her tissue holder then she dose what she has to do then she gets done she whipes herself then she gets done she puts her tissue into her tolite then she flushes it then she gets up then she pulls up her stuff then she puts her tolite seat lid down then she fixes herself then she gose to her step stool she steps on it she soaps her hands then she turns onto her sink to hot she washes her hands really good then she gets done she turns off her sink then she gets off her step stool she gose to her hand towle then she drys her hands she gets done then she fixes her hand towle then she walks to her bathroom door she walks out she gose to her bed she pulls her covers back on the left side of her jojo siwa bed she gets into her bed then she prays then she covers up and she lays down nd closes her eyes and she gose right to sleep tyga walks to her bed room doors he walks out then he closes her bed room doors a lil then he walks away from her bed room he gose to me and his bed room door he walks in then he gose nd gets ready for bed then i get done having gaston use the bathroom in his tolite and wash his paws nd stuff nd putting him to bed then i walk to his bed room door i walk out i close his bed room door a lil bit then i walk away from his bed room then i go to me and tyga bed room door i walk in i go to our bathroom i pull my night pants and my panties down then i go to our tolite i lift up me and tyga tolite seat lid then i get a piece of tissue off our tissue holder then i sit down on our tolite and i do what i have to do then i get done i whipe myself good then i put the tissue into me nd tyga tolite then i get up i flush our tolite i put our tolite seat lid down then i pull up my panties and my night pants then i fix myself then i go to me and tyga sink i turn on the water to hot then i soap my hands then i wash my hands then i get done i turn the water off then i go dry my hands onto me and tyga hand towle then i get done then i fix our hand towle then i walk to our bathroom door i walk out then i cut our bathroom lights out then i walk away from our bathroom door i go to our bed on my side i pull the covers back i step out of my slippers then i pull the covers back then i pray then i get done then i get into me nd tyga bed on my side then i cover up then i lay on my pillow i close my eyes and i go right to sleep me nd tyga still sleep then hours hours into the morning the sun is bright me nd tyga open our eyes we wake up we stretch then we lean over nd we kiss each other then we get out of our bed then we make up our bed we get done then we put our feet into our slippers after we put our pillows onto our bed then we walk to our bed room door we walk out serenity and gaston get out they beds we go to they bed rooms we open they doors we walk in we go make they beds up we get done we walk out of they bed rooms they follow us we pick them up we go to the stairs then we walk down the stairs we go to the kitchen then we walk in we go put gaston and serenity into they chairs at the table we pull out our chairs our chef ms abby comes out of her office bed room after she makes up her bed then she walks to the kitchen she walks in she gose and makes her some to drink then bk she gets her stuff then she walks to the exit of the kitchen she walks out then she gose to her office she walks in she gose and puts her drink down onto her night stand on the right side of her bed her charging desk is on the left side of her desk then she gets on her bed she gets her tv remote off of her night stand she turns on her tv then she puts her tv remote on her night stand then she watches tv nd eats her bk after she blesses it me and tyga go make bk nd sum to drink for serenity and gaston we get done we get they stuff we go set the table then we go make bk nd sum to drink for ourselvs we get our stuff we go to the table we put our stuff diwn then we sit down in our chairs we bless our bk then we all eat our bk we still eating then we get done then we drink our drinks me and tyga push our chairs out then we get up we clear the table then we both go do the dishes after i put the clean ones up then we get done our chef ms abby comes out her office bed room with her empty stuff she walks to the kitchen she walks in she gose and dose her dishes then she gets finished then she closes up the dish washer then she walks away she gose to the exit of the kitchen she walks out she heads to her office bed room door she gose and chills onto her bed and she watches tv me and tyga go get serenity nd gaston out of they chairs we push in our chairs and they chairs then we walk to the exit of the kitchen we go to the stairs then we all walk up the stairs then serenity and gaston go to they rooms then they go and plays with they toys me nd tyga go to our room we walk in then we go chill in our bed on our sides we watch tv we still relaxing in bed and watching tv nd serenity and gaston still in they bed rooms playing with toys nd stuff hours into the morning i get up off me and tyga bed on my side i put my feet into my slippers then i walk away from me nd tyga bed tyga chris where you going girl ! me im going to the bathroom i have to pee tyga ok i walk into me and tyga bathroom i walk in i go to our tolite i pull my night pants and my panties down then i lift up our tolite seat lid then i sit down on our tolite i get a piece of tissue off of the tissue holder then i pee and pop then i get done i whipe myself then i put the tissue into the tolite then i flush it then i get up i pull my panties up then i pull up my night pants then i put the tolite seat lid down then i fix myself then i walk away from me and tyga tolite i go to our sink i soap my hands then i turn on our sink to hot then i wash my hands then i get done i turn me nd tyga sink off then i walk away i go to our hand towle i dry my hands off then i fix me nd tyga hand towle then i go to me and tyga bathroom door i walk out i go to our bed on my side i get on our bed on my side then i chill i look over nd tyga is on his iphone and watching tv i do the same thing tyga looks up from his iphone tyga looks at me chris i look up from my iphone yes tyga ? tyga we need to plan our re wedding now me ok tyga yea so how do we wanna do it ? me lets have our wedding at a church tyga ok and we can have the inside the walk way the steps decorated in pink flowers then the inside have a white rug walk way nd when we stand in the middle have a flower door way thing tyga ok me yep and we can have a chocolate cake nd stuff tyga ight tyga puts the order in for everything nd he calls pepple nd he calls the pastor of the church to have or re wedding there nd for him to minister nd he ask for a piano player then he gets done talking on the phone with the pastor then the call ends tyga delets the call out of his call log then he gets out of his phone on his iphone tyga we can get j hud to sing me ok tyga yea me ill get intouch with her right now tyga ok i get intouch with jhud she writs md back on ig then i reply back to her then i close out of the ig app on my iphone tyga he looks away from the tv and his iphone me jhud said ok tyga ight great me and tyga watch tv we look at the time on our iphones then we put our iphones down onto our charging desk then we get out of our bed on our sides then we put our feet into our slippers we walk to our bed room door then we walk out we go get serenity and gaston then we come out they rooms with them we go to the stairs we walk down the stairs then we head to the kitchen we walk in me and tyga go put serenity and gaston into they chairs then we go make them some lunch then we get them sum to drink we get they stuff then we go give them they stuff our chef ms abby comes out of her office bed room she comes to the kitchen she walks in she gose and makes her sum to drink nd some to eat for lunch then she gose and gets a napkin then she comes back nd gets her food nd drink she walks to the exit of the kitchen she gose to her office bed room door she walks in she gose and puts her drink down onto her night stand then she get on her bed she watches tv she eats her lunch me and tyga get ourselves sum to drink then we go set the table then we go make our lunch then we go get napkins then we go get our lunch we go we get done we put our lunch nd napkin down at our spots by our drinks then we sit down at the table into our chairs then we all eat our lunch then we drink our drinks me and tyga and serenity grab our napkins we whipe our mouths off then me and tyga get up from the table we clear the table we go do the dishes we get done our chef ms abby comes out of her office bed room with her dishes she comes to the kitchen she walks in she gose nd dose her dishes then she closes up the dish washer she walks away she gose to the exit of the kitchen she walks out she gose to her office bed room she walks in she gose and chills on her bed nd plays on her iphone and ipad nd watches tv me nd tyga go to the table we get payton nd gaston out of they chairs we put them down then me nd tyga push our chairs into the table then we both push in serenity and gaston chairs into the table then we all go to the exit of the kitchen we walk out we go to the stairs we walk up the stairs serenity and gaston go to they rooms we follow them we walk in we go get they tv remotes we turn on they tv then we put they tv remotes down on they dressers then we walk out of they rooms we go to our room we walk in we go chill on our bed on our sides we watch tv till dinner time we get our iphones off of our charging desk we put our codes in then we do things on our iphones while we still watching tv untill dinner time serenity and gaston in they rooms watching they tvs and playing with they toys me nd tyga still chillin on our bed on our sides on our iphones and watching our tv thats hung on our wall that i pulled out cause our tv mout is a big swivle one where me and tyga can move our tv to the right side to the left side and farther out front and serenity nd gaston tvs mounts are like that nd our chef ms abby tv mount is like that too me nd tyga still watching tv then we check our phones we look at the time then we put our iphones down they turn off then we get up off of our bed we put our feet into our slippers then we go to our bed room door we walk out we go to serenity nd gaston rooms we walk in they come to us then we walk out they rooms we go to the stairs we walk down the stairs we go to the kitchen payton moma whats for dinner me chicken pot pies for me and you nd daddy serenity ok moma me yea and gaston going to get a pop pie of his own serenity k moma me yep me and tyga go to the table we put serenity nd gaston into they chairs we pull out our chairs then we go fix dinner we get done then we go get plates nd i get gaston dog bowls then i go get gaston some water in one of his bowls from the sink then i go nd bowl his dinner in his other bowl then i go give him his stuff then i go plate my dinner on my plate and i go make myself sum to drink i go get me a napkin nd a fork then i go get my plate nd drink i walk to the table i put my stuff down i take my seat tyga makes his drink nd he plates his dinner he gets a napkin nd a fork he gets his stuff he comes to the table he puts his stuff down infront of his chair then he gose and gets serenity dinner nd drink together he gets her a napkin nd a fork he gets her stuff he walks to the table he puts her stuff down infront of her then tyga comes to his seat he sits down serenity blesses dinner amen we say then me nd tyga and serenity pick up our forks we eat our dinner gaston eats his dinner we still eating our dinner our chef ms abby comes out of her office she walks to the kitchen she walks in she gose and gets sum to drink nd she gets a fork then she gose nd gets and gets a napkin then she gose and gets a plate from the cabnit she puts it down by the stove she gose to the fridge she opens it she looks for stuff to cook she dose not find anything then she closes it then she opens up the freezer she finds stuff she takes stuff out that she is gone cook then she closes the freezer door then she gose nd gets pans she needs then she sets up the pands then she opens up the stuff she got out then she starts cooking she closes up the stuff she got out that still has food in it then she gose back to cooking then she gets done then she gose back to the fridge she opens the freezer door she puts the stuff back then she closes the freezer door she gose to the cabnit she opens it she gets a plate out then she gose nd gets a napkin nd fork then she gose nd plates her dinner that is done she gets done she puts her plate of dinner down she cleans up what she used after she dose her dishes she gose nd picks up all her stuff then she walks to the exit of the kitchen she gose to her office bed room she walks in she gose nd puts her drink down onto her night stand then she pulls her covers back on the left side of her bed she gets in she eats her dinner nd she watches tv me and tyga and serenity and gaston get done eating our dinner and drinking our drinks then me and tyga get up from the table we clear the table then we go do the dishes we get done tyga leaves the dish washer lid down then tyga gets the dish rag he gose to the sink he cuts on the water to hot he wets the dish rag then he turns the sink off he walks away he gose to the table he whipes down the table then he gets done he gose and outs the dish rag back then he comes back to the table where i am at me nd tyga get serenity nd gaston out of they chairs we push our chairs in then we push they chairs in then we walk to the exit of the kitchen we walk out we go to the stairs we walk up the stairs we go to serenity and gaston bed rooms we walk in we put them down we go to they beds we pull they covers back onto the left side then we put them into they bed serenity dad i have to go pee and i gotta pop tyga ight go serenity gets out her bed she puts her feet into her slippers she gose to her bathroom she walks in she closes her bathroom door she pulls her night pants and pull up down then she gose to her tolite she lifts up her tolite lid she sits on her tolite she gets tissue off her tissue holder then she dose what she has to do then she gets done she whipes herself then she puts her tissue into her tolite she flushes it then she gets up she puts her tolite lid down then she pulls up her stuff then she fixes herself then she gose to her sink she steps onto her step stool she soaps her hands then she turns on her sink to hot she washes her hands then she gets done she turns her sink water off she gets down off her step stool she gose to her hand towle she dries off her hands then she fixes her hand towle she gets done she walks to her bathroom door she opens it she walks out of her bathroom she walks to her bed she gete in on the left side she grabs her jojo siwa teddy she holds it then she lays down on her pillow nd she closes her eyes nd she gose to sleep tyga covers her up he kisses her then he stands up he walks to her bed room doors he checks to see if her night light is on nd it is then he walks out of her bed room he closes her bed room doors i walk out of gaston bed room after he gose potty in his big tolite in his bathroom nd i wash his paws in his sink nd i then dry them off on his hand towle then i walk out his bathroom with him then i go put him to bed nd stuff i close his bed room door i walk to tyga tyga kisses me i kiss him back then we go to our bed room door we walk in we go to our bathroom one at a time we get done then we go to our bed we go to our sides we pull the covers back we get out of our slippers then we get in our bed we pray then we put our hair up in our scarf and dew rag nd bonnet then i get our tv remote i cut our tv off then then i lay down on my pillow tyga is allready asleep and snoring me nd tyga sleep in our bed its still dark outside then hours hours into the start of the morning the sun comes up a lil its early ina am me nd tyga still sleeping nd sleeping then hours into the morning the sun comes up me nd tyga both wake up we stretch then we get out of our bed we put our feet into our slippers then we make up our bed then we go get our stuff for a shower then we go shower one at a time we walk out our bathroom after we both shower one at a time then we go to our laundry baskets we open up our landrty baskets then we put our dirty under clothes we had on into our laundry baskets then we walk away we go put on our new under clothes then we go to our walk in closet we walk in then we go get ready we tie up our shoes then we walk out of our walk in closet we go do our hair we get done we go put up our stuff we had on our heads last night then we go tp our bed room door tyga opens it we walk out we go to serenity and gaston rooms we open they bed room doors they wake up then they get out of they beds me and tyva go get they stuff ready for a bath tyga payton you know what today is ? paytpn you nd mommy getting re married to each other again today tyga yep thats right me nd tyga go put they dirty under clothes in they laundry baskets then we walk away we go start they baths we get don we cut they waters off then we go to they bathroom doors we walk out we go get them off they beds we walk to they bathroom we go in we go put them into they bath tubs we go get they rags then we get they soaps we wet they rags in they bath waters then we soap up they rags we put they soaps back then we wash them up good we keep going nd going then we get done we wet they rags then we rince them off we get done we let they waters out then they waters are done going down they drains we hang up they rags then we get they towles we get them out of they tubs with they towles then we walk to they bathroom doors we walk out we go to they beds we put them down we dry them off we get done we go hang up they towles in they bathrooms then we go to they bathroom doors we walk out we go get them dressed into they under clothes then we go to they closets we walk in we get they outfits out tyga gets serenity shoes we walk out of they closets then we go to they beds we get them ready serenity i can tie my shoes all by myself dada tyga really show me serenity look dada tyga im watching payton ties up both her shoes on at a time in a perfict dubble knot serenity see dada tyga good job payton yaya 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 payton thanks dada tyga gose nd gets payton stuff to do her hair tyga gose back to payton bed he puts her hair stuff onto her bed i go pack gaston bag then i get done i zip up his bookbag tyga gets to.undoing serenity hair then he gets to styling her hair he gets done he gets her hair stuff he gose nd puts it back where he got it serenity gets down off her bed she gose to her jewlery box tyga serenity what are you doing ? ! serenity ima put my jewlery on dada tyga ok payton yea she opens up her jewlery box she gets her jewlery out one at a time she puts her jewlery on payton dada tyga yes serenity ! payton can you help me put my chain on please tyga yes i will help you put yo necklace on for you serenity tyga walks to serenity payton hands him her necklace he puts it on for her then she gose back nd puts on her other jewlery but she dose not have erings cause she dose not have her ears pierced yet she gets done putting on her other jewlery then she walks tot tyga he get her packed jojo siwa bookbag purse then he put it on his right shoulder then he picks up serenity i put gaston packed bookbag bag on my left shoulder then i pick him up me nd tyga go get serenity and gaston tv remotes we turn off they tvs then we go put they tv remotes back where we got them then we go to they bed room doors we walk out of they rooms we go to the stairs we walk down the stairs then we go to the kitchen we walk in nd ms abby is making drinks and bk for us then she comes nd sets the table me nd tyga go put serenity nd gaston into they high chairs then we go pull out our chairs we sit down tyga blesses bk we all say amen then we eat our bk our chef ms abby gets her stuff then she walks to the exit of the kitchen then she gose to her office bed room she walks in she gose nd puts her stuff down then she gets her tv remote she turns on her tv she gose nd puts her tv remote down onto her tv stand under her tv then she walks to her office bed room door she walks out she comes to the kitchen she walks in then she gose nd washes the things she used then she closes the dishwasher up me and tyga walk to the exit of the kitchen we go to the stairs we walk up the stairs we go to serenity and gaston rooms we open they doors we walk in we go to they bathrooms tyga puts payton down then she gose to her sink then she steps onto her step stool she cuts her sink on to hot then she gets her tooth brush she rinces it then she grabs her toothpaste tyga walks to serenity he helps her put her toothpaste onto her toothbrush after he opens it by the lil lid then he gets done serenity wets her toothbrush a lil then she brushes her teeth i get gaston tooth brush together and i put his toothpaste onto his tooth brush then i close it then i put it up then i wet gaston tooth brush then he opens his mouth i brush his teeth nd tounge im still going then i get done i rince his mouth out then i rince his tooth brush out then i turn his water off then i put his tooth brush up then i go get his rag i whipe his face nd eyes and mouth then i put his rag up then i go to gaston bathroom door i walk out serenity gets done brushing her teeth and tounge then she rinces her tooth brush then she puts it up she turns off her sink then she gets down off her step stool then she walks to tyga tyga gose nd gets her rag he helps her whipe her entire face then he gets done he puts payton rag up then they go to her bathroom door they walk out me and tyga go get they bags we walk to they bed room doors then me and tyga go to our bed room we get to our bed room we walk in we go put serenity and gaston on our bed then me and tyga put they bookbags down on our beds then me and tyga go to our bathroom one at a time we get our tooth brushes and tooth paste we turn on our sink we wet our tooth brush then we open up our tooth paste we put tooth paste on our tooth brushes we wet our tooth brush a lil then we brush our teeth and tounge then we do it again and again then we get done we rince our mothes out with our sink water then we get done we rince off our tooth brush then we put our tooth brushes up tyga turns off the water then we go clean our faces nd mouths then we go hang our rags up then we walk to our bathroom door we walk out we go unplug our chargers we go get our iphones we undo our chargers we fold up our charger cords then we go to where our hand bags are we unzip our purses we put our charger cords in at the bottom of our purses then we put our charger bricks in our second pockets of our purse then we go get our iphones we put them in our purses in the first pocket of our purses i zip up my purse tyga gets his keys out of his man purse then he zips up his man purse a lil bit then we go get serenity and gaston bags we put them on our right shoulder then we go put on all our jewlery then we get done we close up our jewlery boxes then we go get serenity and gaston off our bed i look at serenity feet me payton who tied up your shoes for you serenity i did myself moma me good job yaya payton thanks moma me and tyga go to our bed room door we walk out we go to the stairs we walk down the stairs then we go to the front doors tyga unlocks them then he opens them i walk out tyga walks behind me then he closes the front doors he locks the doors wuth his keys then we go to his car he unlocks his car we go open his car doors we put gaston nd serenity into they seats we strap them in then we put they bags down in the middle seat next to them then me and tyga close they doors then we open tyga front doors we get in we put our hand bags down onto the floor passenger seat where i am then we put our seat belts on then tyga starts his car up then we close tyga front car doors then tyga drives out of his parking spot in our drive way away from my car then he drives to our gate the gate opens tyga drives out of our gate of our mansion then our gate closes then tyga drives away from our mansion he

undoing serenity hair then he gets to styling her hair he gets done he gets her hair stuff he gose nd puts it back where he got it serenity gets down off her bed she gose to her jewlery box tyga serenity what are you doing ? ! serenity ima put my ...

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