Seven || I Am a Brick

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Yo! So here's the chapter. I hope I haven't screwed anything up, and it might be similar to Tide's POV but bare with me here. Anyway, I've decided that I like switching POVs and I shall do it again. So, assuming you don't hate this chapter, I'm going to do more chapters in Coal's POV.

So, dedication. This update goes out to @SteamySpicyKiss because they have done the usual and voted/commented, but also they have a very well written, witty book up that ya'll might consider checking out.

So yeah. No question thing. I actually don't have much to ask. Or more, when the time comes, all the questions fly out of my head. Oh well. Here's your chapter, hope you like.


I wake up choking.

Sadly, it isn't the first time this has happened. But enough about that.

I hack on the water filling my cell some more, but still manage to stand, barely grazing my head on the ceiling. The water is only about ankle height right now, but more is pouring in from somewhere in the floor.

The cell is about six feet all around, with no holes to drain anything.

I am going to drown. Because killing me in a normal way is too mundane for these guys.

My pulse is racing, because yeah, water and I don't really mix all that well. Water, tight, cramped spaces and I get along even worse.

I look through the glass, which is too thick to burn through but clear this time. I can use my powers, but it's not like that helps much right now. Besides, the water is freezing.


There she is. On the other side of the glass, in a room. She's still asleep, probably drugged. Nothing seems to be happening to her.


"Tide?" I try, barely hearing myself over the rushing of water. "Tide! Wake up!"

I see her eyes flutter open briefly.

"Tide!" I call again, and she shifts. "Tide, come on, get up!"

The water is up to my waist now, and filling faster.


I jump at the screech. Tide has gotten up and is pounding on the glass.

"You have to get out!" I tell her, but she doesn't move. "Tide! Go!"

"No!" She yells back, because in her logic if she says 'no' loud enough everything will be fixed.

"You. Need. To. Get. Out." I push my hand on the glass to emphasize my point. "Go while you can!"

"No!" She repeats stubbornly. "I'm not leaving you!"

"You have to!" The water is up to my chest now, it's only going to be another minute or two before the cell is completely filled. I'd prefer she leave; then I can curl up and have a panic attack without worrying about her.

The water crawls up to my shoulders.

I really don't like water. At all. It's cold, wet, not solid and suffocating and now at chin level and I'm going to die oh god.

I mean, this isn't new. I am "going to die" most of the time. But I'm not "going to drown" most of the time. There's a large difference, and that difference is water.

Tide's shouts are muffled as my head goes under and my mind is going about a million places a minute because I can't breathe and now water is pouring into my lungs instead of air and I still don't know if Tide is okay.

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