Fifty-eight || Hypothetical Grapes

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Hello friends, what's up?

I'm pretty awesome cause I have a snow day tomorrow. I hope y'all are doing good as well.

Anyway, sorry I'm late, I've got writers block and business and school and such, and sorry but it's a short chapter this week. And it's literally just ships that I've been neglecting lately, just fluff without plot while I figure out how to actually plot, oops.

But whatever, all will be well eventually, and for now there's a picture of everyone's favorite: Jensen Alexander Boone. Funny story, I was using a reference pic to draw the "skipping stones" position, and the model in the stock photo or whatever is shirtless, cause like, he's at the beach and crap. So I'm scrutinizing this photo so I get the proportions and anatomy right, and then my dearest mother walks in, sees the picture, and immediately asks, "Is that your boyfriend?" So I'm like, "No mum, that's not my boyfriend, I'm a queer little gremlin of a child," which I didn't actually say, I actually said, "No mother, this shirtless stock photo man is not my boyfriend. I'm actually dating seven fictional characters that probably belong in the trash can." And my mum is like "You can't date Cameron Goodkin Elsa," to which I gasped and told her that Cameron Goodkin absolutely does not belong in a trash can and also I'd be more likely to date Camille than him and then she just sighed deeply and said she won't pay for all my cat vet bills when I'm thirty and single.

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