Fifteen || We Leave at Dawn

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I know, I know, it's been long time. I sort of have writer's block, but it's more like I know what's going to happen, but the words won't do what I want them to do. Writing is like slamming your head into a wall until you bash out an idea, but by then you hurt so much you don't want to write it. (And this chapter was tricky and I'm scared of your reactions.)

Anyway, I've been on vacation (otherwise known as staying up late watching Daredevil and staring at my blank chapter, then sleeping in and getting coffee at 11:00 and getting judgmental glances) but I'm hoping to have another chapter up by Sunday. And it's in Coal's POV again! Cue the party.

Oh yeah! That AMAZING fanart you see up there? Or wherever, this update is annoying and I can't tell where all my stuff is. But that glorious artwork of everyone's favorite genetically engineered angel is by -midnightsalvatore-. (There's a back view but Wattpad won't let me put two pictures there) (I'm so mad) This chapter is also dedicated to her because of that, and her commenting and voting of course.

So I've said this before, but I'm going to say it again. I've seen all these other people commenting on people's stories, and it's mean, obnoxious, and unnecessary. But you people are so great, you're polite and intelligent and nice and civilized and you homo sapiens are just my favorite homo sapiens ever. Really. Unless one of you is a spider. Then I appreciate your support but please stay a billion million miles away from me.

So I'll quit talking - typing? - I don't know. Here's your chapter, I hope you like! (and don't kill me)


I've made up my mind in the split-second of shocked silence that holds the air.

"Well," I start. "That's plan Z. Anybody else got any ideas that don't involve self-sacrifice?"

No one offers.

"Okay. So do we have a location?" I turn to Abram.

He looks rather sick. "Yes. The er - the equipment is still in the house. The GPS and such."

"Good. Rest up, see Stella if you're hurt. We leave at dawn."

"With what?" Jensen demands. "Our war horses? We need a chopper."

Owen looks dismayed. I narrow my eyes, mulling over the problem.

"The men haven't left." Joseph says, head tilted, listening. "They're still regrouping. And they have a chopper."

Owen looks even more dismayed.

I'm already out the door. "Terra, you good to fight?"

"If you have a plan," she replies, striding by my side.

I smile. "Noah, Steel, come on. It's time to steal a chopper."

I never really considered the age difference when I bossed people around, except for Sparky and Maple. Maybe it's because everyone does what I say, although Noah, Kate and Owen constantly have wary scowls on their faces.

Noah's and Steel's faces of fear are satisfying when we reach the wreckage of the fight. Noah looks down at me.

"So what's the plan?"

I rest my back on the house, blocking us from the sight of the guards. Only about half of them are standing, the rest are still moaning on the ground.

The plan is simple: Noah goes invisible with Steel and they slip around to the chopper that's a couple hundred feet behind the soldiers, while Terra and I distract them if it's necessary.

They're already off when I realize I don' know what they're going to do after that.

"Do Steel's powers happen to include making metal things fly?" I ask Terra.

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