Forty-eight || Here's Your Coffee, Now We're Going to Die

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Hey guys! How are you?

So sorry for not updating on Sunday. See, I'd fallen into the lovely hole that is writer's block. Basically, I know where I'm supposed to go, I just have no clue  how to get there. Plus some personal snafus and tests and getting presents for people. It's a lot of work. Anyway, break started on Thursday for me, so I should have lots of time to agonize over plot then.

BUT this chapter is long so hey!

Aaaanyway, since I have writer's block, my general technique to get out of writer's block is to write completely useless and random fluff. Or a death scene. Both are very helpful, but sadly not last week so here's a chapter with fluff and stupidity that I wrote and a bit of snazzy action for you. Also unreasonably happy and flirty Coal, because y'all seem to like him like that.

Also funny story and another reason why I shouldn't be left alone okay so I was home alone and watching Pacific Rim for the seven billionth time because I adore that movie and if you are going to insult it and its plot holes and mistakes I'll fight you, (for those who don't know it's essentially Iron Man meets Godzilla meets Transformers. Plus the robots run on the power of friendship) Anyway, I'm watching it, and I see the Beckett brothers wearing their sick bomber jackets with the Gypsy Danger logo on the back so of course I'm like, "I must have it," but leather jackets are really expensive so I had to go with just a black sweatshirt but I'm thinking "I've done stuff like this before, I got this," because I have all these fabric paints and dyes bc this happens a lot, and my family is used to me watching a movie and then deciding that I absolutely must own something the characters wore. So I've got my sweatshirt and my white fabric paint and then I'm like, "Okay, now I need a stencil of the logo to paint on the back" so I go and measure my shoulders and yada yada and print the thing onto poster board and I go to cut it out with an Exacto knife and it's going well, I'm just cutting away while poor Raleigh has to destroy a kaiju on his own and then I look up bc the next scene is a cinematic masterpiece of pure genius and the glorious use of color, music, suspense, special effects, cgi, and camera angles where the jaegar is collapsing and ahh it's beautiful but anyway I look up and then I realize that Raleigh is saying "Yancy, Yancy, Yancy," over and over as he collapses and I never heard that before so I was staring and crying and then I sliced my thumb open with the knife because I wasn't paying attention and now it's painful to type and the moral of the story is don't cry over your favorite fictional character babies while simultaneously using a small, sharp knife.

So that's that.

Dedication goes to the fabulous xminialexx, because they vote/comment yada yada of course you all know the spiel, but also they thought that last chapter was the best chapter and I'm thankful because I was proud of last chapter and they said that if Coal was stuffed animal he'd be a fire breathing teddy bear and I like that description very much.

Anyway, hope you enjoy, I shall hopefully escape the clutches of writer's block soon and have another good chapter for you this Sunday.


"Why?" I mutter to myself. "Why would they want us to come here, what's the point?"

I'm on my feet and pacing before I know it, frowning at the ground.

Phase Two, Phase Two is revealing mutants, taking away our safety but why? Why not just kill us?

"What's Phase Three?" I ask Coal. "Can you remember? Did they show you anything? They must have showed you something."

I spin and face him when he doesn't answer. My train of thought derails as I see he's still on the ground on his knees, struggling to control his breaths as his hands shake.

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