Forty-six || Peppermint and Jail

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Hey guys, how's it going?

So this chapter is kind of short, because it's more of a filler, "meanwhile" chapter, but it's got some important stuff and some useless fluff, and that's what my book is made of. Just, you know, in different concentrations. Also, lesbians and sarcasm. And Marco, because I decided I like Marco. Of course, that means along with witty one-liners he gets a tragic past, with lots of angst and trauma, but that's how authors show love, you know? "Hey, you. Yeah, you, fictional character. I like you. Here's some EMOTIONALLY DEVASTATING CHARACTER ARCS. Have a nice day! :)"

Anyway, I'd like to apologize for the shortness, but if I do it this way it means you get a long chapter next Sunday, instead of a longish chapter and then this short one. Plus, this way I get to cliffhanger you guys and you know how much I love to do that.

So funny story, today my mum was like, "What do you want for Christmas?" and I was in the middle of watching the U.S. premier of a superhero tv show meant for seven year olds, and without moving from my gargoyle position on the couch where I was perched on the arm sketching my favorite French, cat-themed superhero dork, I just said, totally deadpan, "the world, mother." and my mum just sighed and said that I can't be a supervillain until I learn to drive.

So that's life at my house.

Aaaaanyway, dedication goes to silkysoftfeathers, because they vote, comment, and I like the username paired with their profile pic.

So that's it, hope you have a nice existence, I'm proud of your existence, and thanks for reading.



    "I'm going after them."

Caelum resisted the urge to say no. Charlotte and Tide were alike, as soon as you told them they couldn't, they did. Regardless of the situation.

    "I think," Caelum began, sorting through his argument.

    "Don't you dare tell me that I should stay here." Charlotte said, glaring at him from her stance in the doorway of the boathouse. It had been several hours – the sun was up in the sky – and Tide and Coal had not returned.

    "Think about it," Caelum reasoned. "Look, there's nothing stopping you from going, but whatever is holding them up either has its hands full with them already, or its going to come here for us, and if you're gone that leaves me and Marco as the only ones who are fully functional fighters."

Charlotte pursed her lips, glancing out at the skyline before back at Caelum.

    "Fine," she said, dragging out the syllable and Caelum sighed with relief. "But you have to tell me why Coal hates you so much." she said, walking over and sitting down to take watch.

Caelum closed his eyes, head tilting back as he kissed goodbye to any hope of friendship with Charlotte. He sat down, stretching his legs out slowly to stall.

    "Wellllll," he said, pushing his hands into his jean pockets. His fingers brushed petals and he pulled out a slightly squished yellow flower that Maple had given him before he had left. Twirling the stem between his forefinger and thumb, he said, "Basically...I sort of...kind of..."

    "You liked Tide, didn't you?"

    "Is it that obvious?"

Charlotte shrugged. "You guys have that awkward-ex vibe."

Caelum leaned back, nodding in acceptance. "Yeah..." he cleared his throat. "Um, that's – that's not all of it –"

    "You still like her."

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