Thirty-seven || Treachery is the New Black

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Hey guys, how's it going?

Okay so good and bad news. Bad news first. So to post a video on the lovely wattpad, it has to be posted on the lovely youtube. I do not have a youtube. So sorry, but lullaby is on hold for now. You have been spared from my awkwardness, because I can't edit to save my life so you get to experience all the little weird things I do and all my mistakes in the video so yeah.

Good news! I'm on time! This chapter is relatively long! There's fluff! Water has been found on Mars! I found an instrumental version of Halsey's album and it's magical! You are all still amazing! The world spun today! A genius billionaire playboy philanthropist didn't make a genocidal robot who tried to wipe out the human race! I'm going to dye my hair (probably)! (On that note people who have dyed their hair want to tell me what it's like, how it goes with roots and fading and stuff?) (thanks, you're awesome)

So yeah, that's that mates.

Chapter is dedicated to the fabulous Annemiek1505 because Hiccstrid reference. There is nothing else needed.

(Yes I'm a teenager who adores a trilogy (and books) about dragons. I'm awkward and sarcastic and pointless in any situation involving muscle and have no social life, okay? Hiccup and Toothless are all I've got, man, don't judge. Besides, my cat looks like Toothless.)

(Also I've been forgetting to award people who comment first, but I shall do it next chapter, do not fear!) (although I believe Forestflicker reclaimed her crown last chapter but idk)

So yeah. I hope you all have a good day/night. Try to enjoy your existence, stand back up (it's cool if it takes a little while, just keep trying), and keep fighting. We're all champions, so let's break into song and forget the people who drag us down. Savvy? Savvy.

Enjoy the chapter!



Coal's arms are folded, his jaw set, bottom lip out just a tiny bit as he glares at me.

"C'mon," I say. "What about red, like Charlotte? You'd match."

His nose wrinkles. "No."

"Why don't you want to dye your hair?"

"Why don't you want to dye your hair?"

"I'm okay with dying my hair."

"Okay, then maybe you should dye it."

"Maybe I will."

Coal gets a sudden look of regret on his face. Clearly he thought I wouldn't.

"What is your problem with hair dye?" I demand. "Wasn't it you who put Kool-Aid in Jensen's shampoo?"

"Yeah..." he mumbles. "I don't know, I just - you look different and I have to get used to it all over again..." He trails off and shrugs. "It's my problem, don't worry about it."

I watch him for a moment, and then Charlotte comes skipping in with two different jackets that she wants Coal to look at.

I slip away to the back of the store, where Eli is sitting on the cash register counter with legs swinging as she talks to Halle.

As I approach, Eli smiles. "Hey Blondie."

I smile, nodding a thanks to Halle. She smiles back, pushing a strand of raven black hair behind her ear. It's dyed electric blue at the ends, making it seem alive and dancing as she flips it over her shoulder.

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