Sixty-one || Well, We're In the Bookstore

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Anyway, hey guys! What's up?

Sorry I'm late. Also sorry in advance bc I'll probably be late again bc that's the sort of person I am.

Anyway, Jensen chapter! Which means Hale chapter! Which means Jale chapter! Let the gayms begin!

(Okay I know he's bi but let me have my pun please)

Alright, alright so I have a Marco drawing saved up but he's not really in this chapter so I figured not yet, also any character requests? I've heard Hale so far. But the main reason I didn't post little Marco was bc frenchowl made these fricking amazing Instagram edits for some characters as if they had their own profile, so that's what's up there bc thEY'RE KIND OF THE BEST THING EVER. ALSO I FOUND THE PERFECT JENSEN TO EVER JENSEN AND A TIDE AND A TERRA AND A COAL THEY ARE IN THE PICTURES FIGHT ME ABOUT IT (also sort of Hale but ehh not really but like close enough) So that's that, thank the owl everyone.

Dedication goes to CoolinLollers because now they have to deal with my crappy updating-on-time skills so ha sucker. (But really, I appreciate the support and hope you have a great existence, bro)

Anyway, that's all, I hope you like the chapter and also luck for Monday, I hope you get there on time and aren't too sleepy and your classes or work or whatever aren't too rough. Enjoy!


"No." Coal said.

Jensen mimicked him, wrinkling his nose. Coal raised an eyebrow and pushed his hair out of his face. His patience was wearing thin after the afternoon spent in the hospital locker room dealing with Jensen's inability to follow directions.

When Jensen had decided he wanted to fight, there were three options: be trained by Tide – which was never going to happen, ever – be trained by Hale – which was out of the question for a completely different reason – and then to be trained by Coal, which was something stuck somewhere in the middle of the former two choices.

Jensen could feel the needling of unsettlement, irritability hyping up his nerves. He wasn't sure exactly why he was annoyed, but he was sure that it had everything to do with Coal standing across from him.

"Jensen," Coal said.

"What?" he replied, cocking his head to the side.

"Do you actually want my help or not? Because I can leave."

Jensen's chest constricted.

"No," he said, swallowing. "Just...just keep talking."

"It's not about talking, Jensen."

"Then show me." Impatience dug its way back into Jensen's voice, skin prickling with heat.

Coal rolled his shoulders and stepped forward with a nod. "Okay, first, you want to balance your feet a shoulder width –"

"Jesus, Coal, I'm not stupid," Jensen rolled his eyes and tipped his head back.

He was on the ground in seconds, toppled off balance with one swift move from Coal. The other boy stood over him now, expression mild.

"No, you're unbalanced," he said. "Get up."

Jensen closed his mouth and rubbed the back of his neck, watching Coal pad back to his previous location. This was new, and yet it wasn't. Jensen always knew this side of Coal existed; it just rarely appeared around Jensen. Except when he was being a jerk. Like now, for example.

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