Forty-five || Well, the Song is Very Moving

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Hey guys! How are you all this fine evening/morning/afternoon?

So I think you'll like this chapter. Well, sort of. But anyway it's long and full of fluff and action and FIRE. Fire is great, right? So yeah, pretty exciting.

Anyway, I've currently been dying over and over again because Civil War trailer and PINOF 7 AHHHH okay I'm done. I'm still dead, but I'm done screaming. For now.

So anyway, I'm kind of on the edge with this chapter, because I want to love it, but the perfectionist in me is like, "But is it...absolutely...completely...totally....PERFECT?" But you know, I'm trying to work on the "perfect because it's imperfect" thing, because life isn't a book, and your first kiss or first time living on your own or first day of whatever grade or first time doing anything isn't going to be perfect. But I want you guys to be able to find perfection in that, the asymmetry of life. Because moments won't be perfect until you think of them as that way, and wherever you are on that way of thinking is just fine and I believe in you and am very proud.

So the dedication goes to KalKalForrest, because they deserve one, and I just really like reading their username on my notifications. So thank you.

ALSO that character description thing IS happening, I just need some time to collect all the backstories and appearances and eye colors and whatnot. But shoutout to those that replied, I love you and your opinions.

So, here's your chapter, hope you like, and enjoy!


"No," Jensen said, inching closer. "No, Batman, that's not what it's supposed to look like."

Hale frowned, tilting his head. "Isn't that what you just wrote?"

Jensen shook his head, crumpling up his piece of paper and tossing it across the room. Teaching Hale how to write was harder than he thought.

"Let's start over," he said, taking the pencil out of Hale's hand and sliding right up next to him. He drew two parallel lines and then intersected them. "That's a capital H."

Hale nodded, tracing the letter with his finger.

Jensen made three more marks. "Capital A." Two marks. "Capital L." Four marks. "Capital E."

Hale traced the letters in the dust next to him, big and blocky. "H-A-L-E." he repeated.

Jensen smiled. "Perfect. That's your name. Hale."

"What about your name?"

"What about it?"

"How do you spell it?"


Hale stared blankly at the floor, and then traced two of the E letters pretty far apart. He turned to look at Jensen. "What are the other ones again?"

Jensen took his hand and guided it to the start of the first E, making a letter in front of it. "J," he said, skipping over the E and making a zigzag-like shape. "N." He made a swirling sort of shape that curled at both ends. "S." Skip the second E and another zigzag shape. "And N again."

Hale nodded thoughtfully, and then Jensen made a suspicious noise.

"Heeeey," he said. "Didn't you learn some Spanish?"

Hale nodded again.

"So you basically know most of the letters," Jensen concluded, and Hale nodded again. Jensen squinted quizzically. "Then why am I teaching you the alphabet?"

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