Three || At Least I'm Not Boring

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Alright, so I'm going to start keeping these short (at least try to, I talk a lot) but basically I need to ask you readers some questions. Some, like this one coming up, are very serious and actually affect the layout of the book, and then others are just burning curiosities of mine.

But what I'll do is bold the question only, instead of all the note, so you can just skip to that if you don't want to read it. Sound cool? Now, question!

I have had some requests for a chapter in Coal's point of view. Not that weird third-person-for-a-chapter thing I do, but actual first person. So I was wondering if I should, because I don't want to throw people off or anything. And maybe I could do other character's POVs. So, if you don't mind, I'd love to hear your opinions on the matter.

Anyway, now that I got that out of my system, the dedication goes to the wonderful WarriorforGod777, because I absolutely love her comments. I love all your comments, but hers especially.

So, here's your chapter, I hope you like, and thank you so much for all the reads, votes, and comments!


Having someone who can deflect radar waves, as well as someone who can make a jet invisible is very helpful when trying to discreetly fly into a country. However, to my knowledge there is no Stop-the-jet-from-skidding-in-the-snow Elemental. So we no longer have a plane, because planes are not supposed to land in the middle of Russia with no runway. My bad.

    "At least we're alive, right?" I call with an overabundance of cheer, trying to lift spirits. I get jet-lagged groans in reply.

    "That's my fourth destroyed aircraft since meeting you." Owen says. "It's a miracle we're not in a hospital."

    "See?" I gesture to the woods. "We could be in a hospital."

    "Hospitals are warm." Jensen gripes.

I wheel on him. "Well somebody didn't bring a jacket like I told them to!"

He mimics me mutinously. "Mother." he mutters under his breath and I heroically refrain from burying him under a mountain of snow.

    "Alright people!" I call, gathering the attention of the scattered group. "Which way is west?"

    "That way," Audrey points down the nose of the plane and off into the distance.

    "Okay," I start walking determinedly in that direction. "We will go west, towards Moscow."

Jensen catches up with me. "We'll freeze before we reach Moscow."

    "The, uh, lab is a couple hundred miles out. We'll make it." I lie. In truth, the scientist's house is in a little village somewhere. I know it's to the west, but that's it. Feeling guilty for dragging everyone here, I step to the front and melt the snow so there's a dry path for us to walk on, and thus our little brigade marches west.


It's almost nightfall when Sparky sees the town. The dusk gives the woods an eerie glow, the trees looking as if you could pass through them.

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