Twenty || Shakespeare and Puns

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I know. My streak is tarnished. I'll hand over my medal.

I'm just trying to make the chapters longer (even though this one isn't that long but I'm tryyyyyying) It's basically a choice between "short chapter on time with a crappy fade to black ending," or "longer chapter that's late with a still crappy ending because I suck at endings, but at least this time I tried."

But anyway I have a final coming up and I'm sadly not a genius so I have to sacrifice my writing time. I know, it's horrible. So I'm sorry if I haven't been replying to messages/comments/fangirling on your updates. (I want to fangirl properly, so I have to wait for enough time.)

Chapter is dedicated to the snazzy dragonflysong, because they made this comment on the last chapter and it was awesome. I don't know what a person goes about doing with that much talent, but if you're wondering go ask dragonflysong.

So this is in Stella's POV-third-person sort of thing. It kind of switches at the end but whatever, the point is that it has Nella (or Stoah? Idk you guys can discuss it like you did with Code) in it and Stella just being Stella because I actually really love Stella and Stella doesn't get enough credit.

(Speaking of credit, all the puns came from the great, wide interwebs. I'm not that clever.)

OOOH! That's right! I have a question for you guys, or whoever reads these. I was just curious about your favorite characters, because I've been looking to develop more on some other character's stories, and maybe I can pick the most popular one or something. Also I'm just curious. (Bonus dedication points if you tell me why)

So that's about it. You guys are awesome, and I hope you're not too mad about the tardiness of the update.


"You can cook." Stella said.

Noah paused his hand. "No." he said, and kept stirring the pot of soup he was currently cooking.

Stella's mouth went to a line, and she gave him a flat look. Noah glanced at her and tried not to smile. "What? Sarcasm is my main form of communication, I'm sorry."

"You are stupid."

"I'm actually Danish, but I do speak stupid, thanks for noticing."

Stella laughed and handed Noah more of the vegetables Maple had grown. A perk of being small was that she could sit on the counter and not take up much space. The downside was that Noah was still an inch above her. She straightened her posture, glaring at him when she caught his snort.

"Where did you acquire the knowledge?" Stella asked. "Did you not live in the asylum?"

Noah shrugged. "I did, but you know, I had to eat. So I got a job at a diner in the town nearby. I um, didn't really get along well with other people as a waiter, so I was put in the kitchen."


Noah looked up. "What? How'd you think I got by?"

Stella watched her fingers drum on the countertop. "With your powers...I just assumed it would be more elementary to..." she made a delicate hand gesture.


"Yes." she admitted.

Noah returned to his cooking. "Well, I mean, it's not like I never thought about it. But then I felt guilty and I didn't."

Stella felt a smile creep on her face. She was used to interacting with hardened characters, people who would rather stab themselves with a fork then show emotion. But Noah - although reluctant - told her things he felt, like guilt or happiness. There was a layer of irascibility and petulance to get around first, but under that Noah was rather sweet and perceptive.

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