Fifty-one || All Hail the Lord of Hide and Seek

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Hey guys? What's up? I hope you're all having a good existence.

("Short" A/N this time, whoa guys, I actually shut up for once.)

So chapter is dedicated to AudreyTheGamerGirl, because votes and comments and you know the drill. Lovely people, you lot.

On that note, I'm just going to thank you all for the 3k followers and the 3k plus reads on Ignite. That's amazing and I appreciate you all so much. Thank you for hanging on with me through this story, and supporting the characters and doing all that you do. I honestly don't know how to put it into words how much I love you all for reading.

Anyway, gratitude aside, I have no embarrassing moments for you to laugh at because I have no life and spend my days inside watching movies. So that's that.

So I hope you have an awesome existence, there's some angst, some fluff, some insight on s'mores. It's building up to some epic stuff, I promise. But please, enjoy the chapter my friends.


"Where the hell did you find them?"

I listen to AJ's voice, growing louder as his footsteps pace the kitchen floor. I have half a mind to tell him that he'll wake Coal up, but I can't manage the energy.

You can't choose.

Jensen hasn't come back from wherever he stormed off to. Not even Hale knows where he is.

My head falls back against the wall, the argument downstairs fading to white noise. Coal shifts, my fingers catching in his hair as he rolls over. I glance down at his head in my lap, beginning to stroke his curls.

"We could have died!" CeCe shouts.

"They could have too!" Owen thunders back, angrier than I've ever heard him. There's a second of stunned silence, and his next words are quieter, though no less irate. "You don't have to let us stay. But if you put them in any sort of danger, we're going to be having some sibling bonding time."

They're left speechless, and then there is nothing. That's how you know Owen's really angry. He'll slam some doors and stomp about but this silence, the way you can't hear his footsteps, like a predator stalking prey, this is fury.

"My head hurts."

Coal's words are jumbled as he pushes his face into my stomach and curls up closer to me.

He groans softly. "Everything else hurts too."

His eyes are scrunched closed, trying to grasp any last embrace of sleep. My finger twists a curl around it. "Stella healed your shoulder, but she said you'd probably have a concussion. She's coming back once she has enough strength."

"I don't have a concussion," Coal slurs.

"Of course you don't."

He sits up off me and stretches, position slumping as he rubs his eyes. "Is everyone okay?"

I nod. "Yeah, everyone's okay. Jensen hasn't come back yet though."

Coal frowns. "Where'd he go?"

"He –" I falter.

He got mad at me because I was going to let you die?

"I don't know where he went." The words stick in my throat. "He just...ran away."

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