Thirty-two || Where's a Psychic When You Need One?

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Hey, magical fluffy pegacorns of the west winds, how's it going?

So I want to notify you, that 1) I've had volleyball tryouts for the past three days and I have more coming and they're all like four hours long and I'm tired so sorry for not replying to stuff, and 2) School starts on Wednesday and idk how hard my classes will be so I'll try my best, but updates may have to go something closer to a 10 day schedule instead of 7. I'll try my hardest, but sometimes it's going to be too much and I'll update Monday or Tuesday.

Anyway, I was also sorta rushing this chapter too so there will be spelling mistakes. It's cool to point them out, and I'll try to take care of them.

So that's it for now I suppose...dedication goes to Johnny_Cade_72, because they're just a generally polite and nice person, and are really chill about me being late with replies and everything, so that's pretty cool. You should check them out, read their stories.

Oh yeah, I wanted to say that Tide's not so bad. You don't have to like her, but just because she's bossy doesn't automatically make her awful. She thinks for herself and has to make choices, which is not a pretty job. She has to think about a lot more than herself and at fifteen that's pretty hard. So don't hate her just because she does what a leader has to.

Anyway, read on, I love you and all your reads, votes, and comments, I'm always here to talk to, you will never be annoying, and I hope you enjoy this chapter!


I wake up with a start. The boathouse is quiet, peaceful, waves lapping at the shore in a gentle rhythm. Charlotte is still here, I can see her sides rising and falling in the moonlight. Still, I feel something out of place.


I search the ground, finding him curled up and murmuring ten or so feet away.

I crawl over, just as he flinches and cries out my name.

     "Coal," I whisper, touching his shoulder. "Shhh Coal, I'm right here."

     "No," he whimpers. "No, no, don't hurt her!"

My chest twinges every time he says something like that, begging. Coal doesn't beg and yet here he is, pleading for my safety.

     "Shh, it's okay." I repeat, dragging him into my lap and cradling his head against my chest. His hair curls around my fingers as I run them through the onyx tangles. "It's just a dream, Coal."

He quiets, and after a minute his face softens from its previous twisted expression. "Tide," he mumbles firmly, with a slight nod.

     "Yes," I say, kissing the top of his head. "Me."

My eyes are burning from too many nights awake, but he's really cute sleeping. He looks twelve.

     "You're in love with him too."

I flinch, looking up at Charlotte's voice. She smiles at me, awake and sitting up. "Sorry," she says. "It's just, the way he was looking at you..." She trails off, laughing a little bit. "Well I thought he was screwed, finding happiness in someone who wasn't going to give it back. But you do," she concludes, gesturing to my arms around him.

I follow her gaze, hand instinctively pulling away from Coal's hair and resting him back on the floor.

     "No, no, Tide!" he cries, his hand bursting into flames.

I scramble out of the way, shuddering as I feel the heat. I never got satisfaction from sitting in front of fires. The crackles only made my nerves jump, the heat encroaching like something trying to strangle me.

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