Forty-two || It's Really Not, But Okay

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Hey guys, what's up?

(I know, I'm late, I've failed you, I'm sorry)

So funny story. Y'all have been messaging me and stuff and it's awesome and I love you, but alas, the school has gotten in the way. I barely have time to write the chapters, much less reply to comments. And I feel bad, because I don't want to reply to comments and be "active" but then not reply to PMs but it's mainly because the comments I see right then and I laugh and think of a snarky response and have to deliver it to fulfill my sarcasm quota of the day. So I'm not ignoring you, you guys are fine, I'm just a busy, introverted human being who easily gets overloaded with very simple tasks. And sometimes it's hard for people to get me, but I try explaining it as if I'm making a TV show. But instead of just airing every episode with them all done, I have to produce one episode each week. But I'm the director. And the editor. And the writer. And the star. And the co-star, and the extras, and the stunt double, and the laugh track and everything. But I also have to function in society. So I apologize for not answering, and I thank you for understanding.

OKAY SO THIS IS IMPORTANT. Alright, well, you know Caelum? Yeah, well, I think a lot of you have been carefully ignoring the fact that his name is pronounced KY-lum, as in sky, and not CAY-lum. (I said that when he first came into the book but who knows if anybody listened) Yes, I understand cay-lum sounds better, or you thought it was that the whole time and now I've ruined it! But that's how Latin works, I'm sorry. I've been trying to research it and there's tons of different ways to say it, for instance, SEE-lum, or SEE-loom, and I've seen KY-loom as well. It depends on the Latin, but sadly I don't take Latin. I asked my brother, who does, and he said KY-lum, but honestly who knows. Sources have said however, that all of these are correct, except it was a little sketchy about cay-lum, which is why I'm just going to stick with KY-lum and hope I'm not wrong. So that's that, but that's why Ky is a nickname. So yeah, KY-lum, as in sky. Pun very much intended.

Anyway, dedication! This one goes out to my other best friend, the dearest fandomsfeels, because she has this really awesome book that she hasn't updated so if you feel like torturing yourself go ahead and read it. Also, you should thank her because she's number one in line for disaster response, like when a certain author decides to try and destroy and certain otp, she's right there to threaten me. She's very scary folks. AlSO she got me the boXED SET OF THE INFERNAL DEVICES WITH THE NEW COVERS FOR MY BIRTHDAY AND I'M STILL INTERNALLY SCREAMING ABOUT IT.

Okay, okay, I promise this is the last thing but can we talk about art? So I, being a complete and utter child, rented Rise of the Guardians and watched it like thirty times because I love that movie and the animation is absolutely gorgeous. (Not as good as HHTYD2, but still) I mean, ANIMATION GUYS. Like, there was this one scene where everyone's getting into the sleigh and Jack is like, "no." because that's literally his first response to everything, but then the sleigh comes and it's awesome and it shows this shot of him standing next to North and just the expressions that went across his face were amazing and perfect in every way because in a matter of like, three seconds Dreamworks managed to show an entire story with his eyes and the eyebrows and his sorta reluctantly impressed mini smile and then there's Bunny and his ears twitching and the pattern of his fur is glorious and the detail that went into the Nightmares and the frost and the dreamsand is amazing and I just wanna tell you guys that is ART. ART IS A CAREER MY CHILDREN. IF YOU LIKE ART NEVER LET ANYONE TELL YOU IT WON'T GET YOU ANYWHERE. KEEP ARTING. KEEP TRYING TO ART. ART IS ART AND EVEN IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT SOMEONE THINKS IT'S AMAZING AND EVEN IF YOU THINK YOU'RE NOT GOOD AT ART YOU ARE GOOD AT ART BECAUSE JUST IN THINKING YOUR THOUGHTS AND SEEING THINGS IN DIFFERENT WAYS AND PUTTING YOUR THOUGHTS INTO SOMETHING THAT CAN BE SEEN OR HEARD OR FELT YOU HAVE CREATED ART. EVERYTHING IS ART. YOU ARE ART.

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