Forty-one || Run Little Sailor Boy

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Hey, guys! How are you?

(I'm on time, isn't that cool?) (And it's a long chapter, I mean, HELLO. I'm on a roll guys.)

Okay so a couple things. One, the lovely frenchowl did this lovely thing in her book that I haven't done and I should and it's called a trigger warning, where I warn you people (or extraterrestrials) that I adore so much that there might be some triggering content in the chapter. It is panic attack stuff, so not fun, not fun at all. Panic attacks suck. Anxiety sucks. But you know what? We're going to get through this, because when life decides to throw a curve ball at ya, you take the bat and hit the pitcher. (Disclaimer: this is not applicable to actual baseball or softball). So batter up, my friends, and take it one base at a time.

Second thing! A couple of you volunteered to help me with the lullaby video and stuff but I had trouble collecting you all in one spot so here is the spot in which I will collect you and be able to respond to your comments! (and thank you so much for the offers, I appreciate it so much, you're all so nice)

Third thing! frenchowl gets the first place comment prize thing for last chapter, CloMcew in close second and the fabulous Kittyluv_ in third, who this chapter is also dedicated to because they are lovely and great and their comments are fantastic.

So I hope you enjoy the chapter, hope you have lots to say, especially the Jale shippers, they're going to be yelling at me. I just love getting a rise out of you guys it's great and I'm awful but it's cool, I mean, I'm an author and you have no clue what's coming.

On that awesome note, enjoy!



Kenna's voice was breathless and worried, but Jensen didn't move from his curled position. His legs were numb from sitting for so long, the chill of the morning dew making his hair stand on end. The sun hadn't quite come up yet, but still his eyes were burning as he stared at the horizon.

"Jensen!" Kenna repeated, clambering onto the roof and rushing over to him. She was in a tank top and her sailing sweatpants, barefoot as she crouched next to Jensen. "Hale isn't in the treehouse, and I thought he'd be with you but he's not!" she stage whispered frantically, pushing her hair out of her face with an air of worried irritation.

Jensen gave a couple vague nods, head bobbing like a drinking bird desk toy. Some part of him had hoped that Hale would have returned to the treehouse, maybe talked to Kenna about what an asshole he was. Even Hale ignoring Jensen was better than him being lost.

"Where is he?" Kenna asked, looking up at the sky as if she might find him circling above like a vulture.

Jensen shook his head, resting his chin on his knees. "I don't know," he said quietly. "He didn't come back."

Kenna's face softened, sobering from any panic or frustration. Her hand went around Jensen's shoulder and squeezed, thumb rubbing in small circles on his back.

It was his fault. It was all his fault and yet Jensen still let Kenna comfort him.

"Tide and Coal were on the news," Kenna said.

Jensen felt sudden nausea. "What happened?"

Kenna told him about the news report, the new kids, the crowds.

"I turned it off when kids started waking up," she said. "But they're out there now. People know."

Jensen swallowed. There was a bitter taste in his mouth; he hadn't eaten since the afternoon before. He felt it, the demoting weight in his chest. He felt like a rabbit, looking for a snare buried in the snow. This was beyond him. They were chasing shadows, but they couldn't even see the silhouette yet.

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