Fifty-seven || Can't Argue With Cheekbones

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Hey guys, what's up? Hope y'all are having a nice life.

So sadly I do not have any art vomit to project at you this week bc I've been drawing the gangsey, which means I have the honor of directing you to the lovely BetweenTheRiftInTime's fanart book. It's got some lovely pictures of 1) Tide and Hale, and 2) Flicker's very own badass Carla so y'all should check it out. Dedication goes to them as well for the great work, and thank you so much.

OKAY GUYS GUYS GUYS OKAY alright so this is purely me fangirling because THE RAVEN CYCLE GUYS OKAY okay okay so let me tell you about this amazing book series okay so it's by Maggie Stiefvater and IT'S THE BEST THING EVER I SWEAR okay so it's a bit mature and has some heavy concepts but then there is my precious baby glitter child Noah and my amazing nerd husband Gansey and my marvelously sweet and salty son Ronan and my beautiful considerate freckled Adam and I love them all with everything my threadbare soul has to offer and then there is my feminist kickass daughter Blue with the rad name and the A+ attitude and the spiky hair and oh my lord I have such love for this woman's writing like she is my queen and I swear every paragraph is poetic, profound, hilarious or all of the above and her vocabulary is wonderful and I cannot express how much I adore every bit of these books. I love them to pieces so I would highly recommenced them also I need someone to scream about Pynch to. But 10/10 guys, good stuff, I'm thisclose to having her writing on a shrine because it is everything I aspire to be.

Okay so now I have that out of my system, here's your chapter, it's not that emotionally devastating for once, how about that, huh? A bit short, but there's always next week, enjoy yourselves guys, and I hope you enjoy the chapter!


There are voices. Murmurs, ripples of anger, confusion.

A cloying odor lingers in my mouth, like thick cotton candy. Chloroform.

The bag is off my head. In its a place a rag over my eyes. I hate it, not being able to see. I tilt my head, trying to sound out the words of the speakers. They hush at my movement.

My wrists hurt as I try to sit up, chaffed from being tied.

Coal. Where's Coal? I mean to speak but my tongue feels thick and useless. I suck in a few pure breaths and clear my head.

As soon as they take the blind fold off I'm searching the room.

"Coal!" I call. "Where's Coal?" I demand, squinting at my abductors. "What did you do with him?" I tug at the rope restraining my hands behind my back.

"The boy is–"

"COAL!" I shout, finding him.

My legs are weak, pins and needles racing up from my ankles. That and the fact that I have no hands makes it difficult to move in any resemblance to a human, but I manage to get to my feet and stumble over to him.

"Coal?" I ask.

He's still unconscious, hands bound behind a pipe. It takes me a second to realize he's handcuffed - they don't want him to burn through them. Hiding my own hands, I work on escaping the rope.

"What did you do to him?" I snap at the people standing around. "He's just a kid, we're just kids."

Murmurs ripple through the crowd gathered, but I'm busy slipping my hands out of my bonds. Unable to help myself, I take Coal's face in my hands, making sure he's breathing.

Guns click and I ignore them, telling Coal to wake up.

"Come on," I push the hair out of his face, feeling sick. His skin is cool, unnatural for him. "Come on, Coal, wake up."

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