Two || Borrowing Things That Aren't Yours

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Hello! I hope I haven't taken too long to update, but I am braced for the comments. I have my shield and everything.

So, a lot of people love Jensen. Okay, scratch that. Everybody loves Jensen. I hope ya'll still love him after this chapter.

Anyway, thank you to all the readers, voters and commenters. You guys are amazing! Really. The dedication goes to kaysa1292001 because her comments were pretty awesome, funny, and helpful.

So here's your chapter. Yes I know. FINALLY.


I was praying for the flight to be over, because Terra was freaking out over the heights, Jensen was still losing Scrabble, Maple and Sparky had just gotten sugar rushes from the caffeinated soda in the mini fridge, and Coal and Caelum were glaring at each viciously, when I nearly had a heart attack because suddenly there were two kids where Tick and Tock were just sleeping.

I blink, rubbing my eyes with my palms, and when the two middle schoolers don't disappear, I stand abruptly and walk over. Slowly, I nudge one's shoulder.

The girl groans and rolls over, wrapping the blanket that was now too small around her shoulders tighter. Audrey comes up beside me, just as puzzled.

"Yo!" I raise my voice and the girl mutters profanities and glares up at me, the boy not far behind. "Who are you?"

"Tick." The girl says, obviously sore about being woken up.

"Tock." The boy grumbles in the same tone.

I look at Audrey. She shrugs.

"Is that all you want?" Tick asks.

I don't answer for a few seconds and she rolls back over to sleep again, but I shake out of my daze. "Whoa, whoa, wait, hold on. You were babies like two seconds ago."

Tick sighs, and sits up. "That happens sometimes when we sleep. You've just never noticed. We were fifty last night. And stuck as babies for a while."

I stare at her. "What?"

"We're the -"

"- time Elementals." Tock finishes for her. "When we sleep -"

"- it goes haywire." Tick concludes.

I stare blankly, not ready to process all this new information. First I get Caelum's powers, now there are ageless twins in the group.

" you do you to talk and stuff?" Terra asks shakily, wandering over.

Tick and Tock shrug simultaneously. "Time travel." They chorus.

"We can only do it-" Tick starts.

"- when we're together. Otherwise it doesn't work." Tock finishes, and my already present headache grows larger.

"Okay..." I nod. "Carry on...I guess." Rubbing my temples, I walk to the couch closest to the cockpit and drop down heavily.

The plane jerks downwards with me. Everyone is jolted from their seats, and a couple glares are thrown at Caelum but suddenly everyone remembers our little power swap. The plane shudders again as I quickly fall into a panic, hands gripping the chair arms tighter and tighter.

"Hey, Kournikova," Jensen manages to appear calm and laid back as he makes his way over to me, Coal close behind. "Yoga." He reminds me.

"Yoga isn't going to help if we're falling to our death in a jet!" I hiss as the plane's cabin vibrates angrily.

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