Six || Darth Abram

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So, if you're reading this, congrats, I applaud you. Author's notes are tedious.

But anyway, next chapter is in Coal's POV and depending on the reaction I think I'll do another one, because it was more fun to write it than I thought it would be.

Aaaaaand, the dedication goes to the lovely Forestflicker because they vote, they comment, and they followed on to Ignite after reading the first book! Which is very impressive. Once again, I'd like to thank you all for the reads, votes, and especially your comments, I love reading them and a lot of the time they make a bad day a lot funnier!

Anyway, question thingy! So, it has come to my attention that there is this thing on Wattpad called a cast list. I wasn't planning on making one (unless you guys really really want one) but I was super curious to see if any of you had a visual in your mind of the characters. It doesn't have to be an actual person, but I was just wondering what you guys pictured them as, and also it helps me know if I'm doing a good job describing each character!

So, that's it. Here's your chapter!


"So how long are we supposed to wait?" Steel, always the practical one, asked almost as soon as Owen had stopped speaking.

"Until she comes back." Owen replied just as fast.

Stella expected an objection, but no one spoke out. It seemed they were bound by a loyalty to Tide that no one dared to challenge. They owed a great deal to her.

So everyone spent the day either worried sick, like Audrey and Rian, or making the best of their free time by building snow forts, like the twins, Maple, and Sparky.

What surprised Stella the most was how cavernous Jensen's absence was. He fit like a lost puzzle piece in their jigsaw of a group. Terra had explained the events before he left. Stella had a few theories as to why he went, but she did not voice them, wary of upsetting everyone further.

When the sun set Stella was restless. This usually happened. She enjoyed the night, and the silence it brought. But Sparky and Maple would not go to sleep unless she did, so Stella sat in her room for a bit until their protests against Audrey tucking them in turned into snores.

She amused herself by trying to read Russian books, but that did not last for very long. Soon, she was walking out the door and into the hall. Stella always treaded softly, and walking around the sleeping household wasn't much different from the way she normally did.

But then she noticed a glow coming from the bottom of one of the doors. It was faint, but Stella was very sensitive to shadows, and therefore light, so she instantly was drawn to it. Quietly pushing the door open, she slipped into the room to follow the luminosity.

The room seemed to have nothing awry. The light appeared to have no physical source: just a small glowing patch of bed. It was a pretty color, a cool white that looked like moonlight. But it was not moonlight, and Stella crept forward to examine it.

She stretched out a hand towards the glow, but instead touched into something. Something muscular, and alive. Ripping her hand back, Stella held her breath, desperately searching the space for what could be there. Then it dawned on her.

"Noah," she whispered, poking the thing. "Noah, wake up." She poked it a few more times.

"I'm awake, I'm awake, I'm awake," came Noah's belligerent growl, and he became visible, rubbing his face where Stella must have accidentally been jabbing him.

"Sorry." She said. "You are bioluminescent."

"I'm what?"

She sighed. "You are a glow-stick." she said.

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