Eighteen || Battle Scars

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Hello! How's it going?

I updated on time! That's an accomplishment. I'm back on schedule.

Anyway, this chapter is total fluff, sorry not sorry.

Oh! I thank you guys a lot, but this one is specific. So I realize some of these ANs are obscenely long, and I'd like to thank those who read them, and those especially who comment on them, because otherwise it would be this very sad monologue.

That describes my life very well actually.


That snazzy image up there is credited to the person who made it (who has editing skills that are beyond me) and to izzy_the_soccerqueen for finding it.

On that note, can I just say how FREAKING AWESOME it is that you guys are making/finding FAN ART!?! It's pretty much the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me.

Fangirl moment aside, this chapter goes to the great 1PierceLove, who has, for a week or two now, been commenting literally two seconds after I update, and if that's not impressive, I don't know what is.

^On the dedications: please please PLEASE tell me if you feel like you deserve a dedication, because I know for certain I'm forgetting people. Usually my method is to go to the last chapter and find someone who has commented, and then I dedicate it to them. But of course, that system has its flaws, and I don't want any of you to develop a grudge just because I'm a forgetful, oblivious human being. (I've actually come to the conclusion that I'm a vampire, considering my freakishly pale complexion, and desire to do everything at night)

Another thing on the dedications: I try to keep the pronouns neutral, but if you prefer certain ones just tell me and I'll make sure to fix it.

SO. Fluff chapter. Some foreshadowing. A bit of angst. *NOTE: the songs referenced are good songs, in my opinion. You should check 'em out. You know, if you want*

I hope you like!


The temperature has risen when we land, turning the snow into steady rain. Mission forgotten, everyone dashes inside to get out of the downpour.

I let Jensen handle Coal, even though he claims he's fine, and step to the side.

The snow squelches under my feet, slushy. I ignore the droplets soaking my shoulders, dragging cold lines down my back. I like the rain. I'm not avoiding Coal. I like the rain, that's all.

I want to see him. I'm dying to see him. But at the same time my stomach rolls at the thought.


I jump at Coal's voice, questioning. He ducks under the helicopter tail to stand next to me.

"I kissed Caelum!"

The words tumble out of my mouth without coordination. It feels like I've just thrown up; better, but not good by any means. I glance at Coal to gauge his reaction. He's staring straight ahead, hair dripping in his eyes. He needs it trimmed.

"Well," he says, with too much optimism. It doesn't hide the dead tone in his voice. "That explains a lot."

"I didn't mean -" my sentence falters, and I try to start over. "I don't -"

I take a half step towards Coal, swaying away at the last minute. It's unfair to ask that of him.

"Don't worry about it, Tide," he says. "I can't dictate what you can and can't do. Or who," he adds as an afterthought, tilting his head.

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