Nineteen || Nightmares Are Amazing Bonding Moments

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Hello! How are you?

(I updated on time again, this is so satisfying. Like, two...three? weeks in a row, I mean YEAH! I'm on a roll here, give me five)

So a bunch of you have been messaging me, and I just want to say it's SUPER AWESOME and AMAZING because you guys are MAKING/FINDING FANART and ANIMATING STUFF and TRANSLATING THINGS and SUGGESTING THINGS and COMING UP WITH HEADCANONS/THEORIES and it's actually the COOLEST THING EVER. And you guys are so polite and considerate and hilarious in your comments, honestly I'm either smiling out of complete joy or annoying my family with my laughter. So I just want to thank you all because even if you don't make stuff or come up with theories or comment, you still read and stick with the story and it's great, you all are so underrated and I love you, so thank you so much.

Anyways, I want to clear some stuff up, because I've been getting lots and lots of comments about it.

Number one: Jensen has 83 protons. He is the magical looking rainbow element. (Bismuth. It's pretty and sparkly and very Magnus Bane, you should look it up) For those of you who are not the science/Tumblr/TMI nerd that I am, that means Jensen is bi. As in bisexual. As in, swings both ways, walks in two directions, likes both males and females. (With or without wings)

^on that note, I get if that's not your own cup of tea, but it's Jensen's cup of tea, so don't go trying to add all your phobic spices to his tea, okay? If I see hate, I will not-so-politely do everything in my power to rid it from existence. (not that I think you'd do that, I'm just saying because evil human beings do exist in the world)

Number two: Caelum isn't dying anytime soon. Like, I know a lot of you guys want Coal to burn him on a barbecue stick, but he's a really nice character that is in a beautiful position for some development. I have a whole character arc planned. So I'm sorry to disappoint those who want to kill him with fire, but he's sticking around and you better learn to deal with it.

I think that's it. But if there's anything else you want to ask me about, comment, or message me!

So that was long. Anyway, there would've been a photo up there had photobucket not been having a bad day, but it was, so there is no photo as of now. I'll try to get it up there, it's really cool, sent in by JesseAllion.

Chapter is dedicated to servalpaw, because they and a few others which I'll dedicate later, have gone through the first book and this one in like, two days or so, while commenting throughout, and it's very impressive.

So...sort of depressing chapter with a little bit of fluff/humor, and some insight on my favorite brotps, and as always, foreshadowing. I hope you enjoy!


"What?" is the first thing out of my mouth, not because I didn't hear her, because I'm stalling so I can figure out how to react.

"Abram," Tide repeats, slower, as if I speak something other than English, "is your father."

There it is again. Maybe, some part of me hoped beyond hope that the hallucinogens hadn't worn off yet, and this of course was another psychotic thing my mind had made up.

But no, that's just my life.

My breath whistles through my teeth, sharper than I intended. "Like, biological father?"

No, says Tide. I meant I just assigned him as your father. You know, just for fun.

"Yes," she says instead, not following the script. "Like, biological father."

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