Twenty-three || Jensen

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On time again, give me double five!

^we should make a secret handshake or something, like a cool internet/comment greeting that makes no sense to anyone except us. Secret handshake things are cool.

So y'all seemed upset by last chapter. I wonder if it was the cliffhanger, or my vaguely threatening comments? Either way, your questions shall - sort of - be answered. I can't just go giving away all my plot twists.

So some notes about this chapter (and life, I guess) that you're going to want to read: 

1. You do matter. All of you. I care about you, that's for sure, and I'm certain others do too because you're all amazing and you need to remember that. You may not be a hero, you may not be a star athlete, or a beautiful singer, or a fantastic drawer, or the best and top of what you do. But you have a mind, and a body, and that's where everyone starts. So keep your chin high, and your eyes up. The view is better that way.

2. Wear that shirt. Smile at strangers. Dance to your favorite song in the aisles of a department store. Sing it too. Care about the people you love, they're the ones that matter. Respecting everyone doesn't mean that you need their approval to be yourself. Regret is a pointless emotion. It happened, it's going to bother you for a couple days, maybe even years, so fix it or let it go.

3. I do mean all that. And if you need someone to talk to, you can message me anytime.

4. The chapter kind of switches POVs for a section in the middle, but it's not anything to get worried over, it's still third person.

Okay, so let's just talk about how on Friday, the 26th of June, 2015, the Supreme Court made gay marriage legal in all fifty states.


So the fight for equality is definitely not over, but let's just relish this battle won, okay? I've been stuffing myself with fluffy proposal fics and cute fanart and adorable headcanons about this, and the photos and pride pictures are just amazing, and I'm so proud, and so glad that we got this, and now we're going to keep fighting because we CAN make a difference, and if we can make a difference, we're going to win.

(I'd love to say this chapter is all fluff in celebration, but alas, I cannot. But, like, two or three chapters from now you will be satisfied, I promise. You'll all die from fluff suffocation.)

So stay awesome, represent yourself with pride and no regrets, and enjoy the chapter!

(oh yeah, it's dedicated to my friend, Avacado Abotagogaloo, because she's a pretty snazzy friend, her last name always gets misspelled (you're welcome), and plus I like making her cry because I'm mean, and also she agrees with my headcanon that Satan is totally a pansexual drama queen.) (Satan tortilla chips for the win) (she also deals with me stuffing my self-centered Jale doodles in her locker as presents) (and me sending her fluffy Jale oneshots at 11:47 at night) (I'm sorry if you guys don't get this. She will though.)


"Jensen!" Tide snapped. "Shut up!"

Jensen closed his mouth, teeth chattering together as his jaw trembled. There was no way he could help at all. It was his fault in the first place. He couldn't just get down, like Tide said. He had to look up, had to wait just one second longer. And now Coal was shot.

He couldn't do anything. Why would Coal do that? He felt like dragging his nails down his face. Why would Coal do that?

Something spurred his limbs and Jensen ran. Running was something he could do. Running was all he ever did.

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