Seventeen || Acting

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I'm sorry. For a lot of stuff.

I have failed you. Especially one of you in particular, but we'll get to that. First, I have not been reading your updates and stuff, because I haven't had the time to sufficiently fangirl, and I'm waiting till I do. Because I hate just reading and not commenting in all caps like the hyper person I am. Second, I have not been replying to messages at a reasonable point in time. I'd like to say it's because I'm popular, but alas, it's because a) I stare at the message with the utmost happiness, unable to reply because I'm internally screaming out of joy, b) I forget, and I know how awful that is, but I'll be like "I'll reply to that later," and then never will and then get so anxious that you'll hate me for being late that I just don't reply at all or c) I literally have no words. I want to talk to you, I want to help, but I'm a sad teenager with social problems. Even on the internet.

So I apologize for not replying, or answering with some crappy response because my brain doesn't compute social interaction. Moving on to my second failure.

So normally, I try to keep this handy dandy little schedule where I update every Sunday. Great, yes? I get wonderful comments that keep me going throughout the school week.


Your comments are more than wonderful, don't get me wrong, I love them and I really hope you keep on commenting.

But -

I have this awful problem with procrastination. It's like, "hey, I could be writing now."


"oh look a BUTTERFLY!"

You see? And this coupled with Let's Throw All This Info At You And Then Test You On Your Memory Skills And Not Your Actual Intelligence *cough HACK* oh sorry I meant the American Education System, and also poorly scheduled sports, it gets hard to update.


I promised the lovely JesseAllion that I would update last Sunday, or Monday night.

And I didn't.

I tried, but then...butterflies are interesting okay?

So I will try to update more regularly, I will try my very hardest, and I'm sorry if I fail again. Also, I was filled with lots of fluff inspiration lately (which means late nights in my bed on my iPod typing fluff because I am absolute flush trash) so I pretty much have next chapter ready. That'll be up this week. I p r o m i s e.

Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to the previously mentioned JesseAllion, and it's in Jensen's POV, and long, so yay, right?


"Won't they shoot at us?" asked Hale as Jensen dragged him towards the back door.

"Not if you can act well." Jensen replied. "Just pretend you're in a movie."

Hale muttered acting under his breath with a thoughtful nod, and then they were out the door.

Jensen hadn't thought things all the way through. He never did. Most of his plans were more of vague outlines than anything, but Jensen liked to think that left room for surprises.

Of course, not all surprises were good.

His throat stung as the icy winter air filled his lungs, arms prickling with cold. Jensen hadn't considered the firing squad that would be lined up outside.

For a few seconds that dragged on like a failing heartbeat, Jensen stared at the men. They didn't look like men, more like humanoid beetles in their black uniforms and helmets.

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