Twenty-six || Revenge Through Closet Imprisonment

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Hey! How are you doing this fine time of existence?

So Tide's POV! I know, it's been a while. (I'm so proud, she's making friends of the same gender this chapter) (oh my gee golly, right?)

Anyway, I'm really sorry I haven't been on top of things lately guys. I thought the summer would help, but that's mainly because I didn't anticipate actually having friends to do stuff with. But I do, and I am doing stuff, and there's a whole lot more happening than I planned on. So I really appreciate you guys being chill and not leaving nasty comments about how "I don't update because I don't care" or whatever. So thank you so much. (Especially y'all who comment whole paragraphs, you're the epitome of awesome)

Chapter is dedicated to the fantabulous Kariem47Kelly, because they're one of those afore mentioned "whole paragraph commenters" and that's pretty snazzy and makes me really happy to read them.

I'll be working on replying to stuff, after I walk my dog. Once again you can always message me, even if it's about, like, turtles or something. I love turtles.

So LONG CHAPTER! And ON TIME! Awesome right? Give me five!

 Anyway, I hope you enjoy, and thanks of reading/voting/commenting!


Okay. Honesty hour.

I thought Coal would be at my door the first night, presto knocko, "I'm sorry I woke you up but the nightmares and I love you."

He didn't.

And I'm totally not falling asleep on the plane because I was staying awake waiting for him.


"I'm awake!" I sit up, snapping my eyes open.

Maple blinks back at me, managing to have a skeptical expression on her young face.

"What – uh," I yawn. "What is it?"

"Jewett doesn't want to come. I told her Hawaii is nice, but she doesn't believe me."

Great. Who needs caffeine when you can have an argument with Jewett instead?

"Thanks for telling me," I say to Maple. "And thanks for talking to her."

You gotta give the five-year-old credit for having a conversation with Jewett.

Maple climbs into my lap, kneeing a pressure point and giggling when I grimace. "Sorry," she says. She narrows her eyes, cataloguing my face. "You look tired."

Before I can say anything she opens her small palm, revealing a blooming flower. "Here you go," Maple knees me again as she reaches to tuck it into my hair, slipping with a squeal. I catch her, and place her on the floor as I stand up.

"Thank you," I say, pushing her Shirley Temple curls out of her face.

Maple runs off, and I turn to face the surly obduracy of Jewett.

I find her in the very back of the plane, the storage area, as far from everyone as she can get. She's managed to wedge herself in between a few boxes. I sit down across from her.

"I am not in the mood to talk to you."

"You're blind, you don't know who I am," I argue without thought.

"Okay, one," Jewett starts. "It didn't matter who you were, I didn't want to talk to you regardless. Now that your lovely insensitivity has given away your identity, Leader Girl, I want to talk to you even less."

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