Thirty || Hale

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Hey! How are you this fine weekend? (I'm updating early because I'm going on vacation again and I don't know what the wifi will be like so yeah)

Dedication goes to Internal_Nightmare, because they very kindly went on to read the side book of fluff (we're going to call it The Fluff Book, or TFB, because the title is to long). And they commented and I really appreciate it and all you other people who went on and have sent prompts and are sharing ideas. It's great, you're awesome, and I can't thank you enough.

So I think the most popular name suggestion was "magical fluffy pegacorns of the west winds." So hello, dearest magical fluffy pegacorns of the west winds (we should have a logo, and a secret handshake).

(OOOOH we should make a band: Snow and the Magical Fluffy Pegacorns of the West Winds. Who's with me?)

ALSO there have been  some comments concerning Jale. Not aggressive or anything, but ill in  thought. Now, Wattpad for some reason is not letting me just delete rude  comments like I used to be able to, which is annoying -- but I digress.  I have three things to say:

1)  Don't engage them. The support is appreciated, but most of the time  they're just trying to get a reaction from you so just report it or tag  me and I'll do whatever I can to get rid of it. (Besides, you can relish in the fact that with every opposition, in my mind I'm just going, "make. it. GAYER." So queer up, and keep reading.)

2)  This and three are technicalities. Jensen is bisexual. As in, NOT  heterosexual and NOT homosexual. He is not gay if he kisses/is attracted  to Hale, and he was not straight when Terra kissed him/he was attracted  to Terra. It's not a switch out, it's not a half and half Danny Phantom thing. He's still bisexual. Gay is sort of an umbrella term, and it's not totally wrong, but I just don't want any erasure happening. This is just to  notify people, and not to make you feel bad or anything, it's just  clearing up some information.

3)  Hale is not strictly gay. He can't really identify as anything in his mind  because he doesn't know about it and was raised in a lab and all that  but if he were to research sexualities and choose to identify with one  it would most likely be demisexual. That means he doesn't feel sexual  attraction towards anyone until he's formed a deep enough  emotional/romantic connection with them. (If anybody is confused I can  try to answer questions and the top definition on Urban Dictionary is  very useful.)

So that's that, and please don't hate, there's really no reason for that.

OH  YEAH I' d like to say I'm quite proud of you all with dealing with  comment wars (or lack of comment wars). I keep an eye on them but I'm  very happy to say you all resolve them in a civil manner and  settle/accept different opinions and move on. So I haven't had to  intervene, or I don't want to because to answer the problem/question  would reveal spoilers.

So that's it, I hope you enjoy the chapter!

(Oh yeah, this is set in the night before/morning of the news reports of last chapter.)


Jensen was a hands-on person.

Hale had been observing him, and the boy couldn't seem to keep himself from touching things. He traced the grains on the floorboards of the treehouse, he fiddled with the collars of his shirts so they were always a bit stretched, he constantly ran his hands through his hair, he rested his head in his hands, he had an odd habit of fiddling with his ear, and then there was his complete and utter ignorance that there was space in the tree house so that he didn't have to be right next to Hale at all times.

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