Sixteen || Experiment 56, Code Name "Vegas"

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Hello! I updated, despite having a volleyball tournament and




...just gonna let that sink in...also I'm screaming

and I'm proud of myself, it's kind of sad.

Anyway, there is a lovely picture up there, which was found by the lovely izzy_the_soccerqueen. She found a couple other pictures that were very Code and I thought this one was appropriate for this chapter. Wattpad is being annoying, and won't let me put more than one photo (or maybe I'm just dumb, that's also very likely) but also I wanted to spread them out when I saw (see?) fit, so you will see them throughout my chapters. This chapter is also dedicated to her, because of obvious reasons. So thank you so much!

So this chapter is supposed to be kind of confusing. I'm going for mysterious, but at this point who knows what I'll actually accomplish. But if you have questions, they will most likely be answered next Sunday in Jensen's sarcastic point of view. Although, if we're being honest, all my characters are sarcastic because I can't help but let my horrible personality bleed into my dialogue. I apologize.

So here's your chapter, I hope you like it!


I didn't talk. Didn't react to anything.

No one likes a boring experiment. I learned that a while ago.

I just sit there. I mean, except when they attack me. Then I dodge out of the way, or fight the Whatever-the-Hell-They've-Decided-To-Genetically-Engineer-and-Sic-on-Me next. I've gotten pretty good if I do say so myself. The catlizard things can't keep their balance if you screw up their tail. And the bear/human hybrid that is essentially an overweight werewolf can't turn all that fast.

"Specimen 56, room 94, ready for testing."

The intercom blares in my ears; I don't know why they have it so loud. I mean, it's not like they care if I know what's up in the Lab of Death.

The message is repeated. I block it out. They changed my number. I used to be "specimen 2." I think Tide was 1, Terra 3, and some girl named Sarah was 4. But apparently I'm not as special anymore, so they knocked me down to 56.

I hear the first door open. There's an airlock before my cell because of, um...past experiences. I get ready to jump out of the way.

Swearing interrupts my focus. They haven't sent me any talking experiments. Yet.

"...OFF OF ME you fat, old bastard!"

Well okay then.

Someone is shoved into the cell, stumbling back as the door closes. I think it's girl.

"Who the hell are you?"

She turns to me, snarling.

"Subject 56," I say. "How's it going?"

Her expression becomes less hostile and more cunning. Her eyes are green, but white green. Like, ice blue eyes, but green. They're kind of unnerving, staring blankly.

"I've done this before." she says, advancing forward. "We're supposed to kill each other."

"Be my guest. Death and I like to have chats every now and then."

At this point I couldn't care less what happens to me. Last time I fought a catlizard I killed it without thinking. They're turning me into a machine.

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