Twenty-four || Terra

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So early update this week because I'm going on vacation starting tomorrow and I do not know what my wifi situation will be like, so yeah, here's the update now. I don't know how much writing time I'll get, so I don't know if I'll be able to update next Sunday, I'm really sorry.

(Sorry if I haven't been replying/reading your chapters and stuff, I've been working on getting this chapter done early, and also packing) (I'll try to get to it tonight)

So yeah, that's news, and also I just want to say something about what's coming up in this chapter. (It's not horrible, don't worry)

I don't want to give away anything for y'all who dislike spoilers (although I don't know, it's not totally relevant to the plot, it's just an important development for Terra) but anyway, instead of leaving your questioning comments all over the place so I have to hunt them down, just come back here and ask and I'll answer the first one or two and you can just read those and see if it satisfies your curiosity. If not, you can ask your new question and/or message me. Cool? Cool.

Dedication goes to Forestflicker, because she has this really awesome book up that you should go read. It's got everything: action, suspense, wit, fluff, and small adorable elemental children. So go check it out if that's your thing. (Be forewarned, Adrien is already mine. As well as Autumn)(You can't have them)

So that's about it guys, I hope you like this update!


Terra Abigail Davis was been found the summer the largest earthquake ever recorded hit California. It was in the rubble of that earthquake that she was found in, with no name, family, or story whatsoever.

Leslie Karen Davis was not a young woman in appearance, but her personality rivaled any child's. She was a spunky puzzle that was missing a piece, and she found that piece in a little girl with chocolate hair and eyes like the redwood forests.

Leslie was an artist, whose walls were portals to other realms, whose clothes were always speckled with paint, dusted with chalk, splashed with dye. Terra flourished in this world of color, of opened minds, where cracks in the earth were expressions.

Perhaps that is why the facility's walls had seemed so lifeless.

The government had come for Terra when she was twelve. She managed to escape with Breeze, but there was no going back to her vibrant little house in Bodega Bay.

Terra tried not to dwell in the past, she was not one to brood, but occasionally fond memories would surface, bringing back the age old ache of homesickness for a place she could never return. Times like this, where Terra was feeling especially spontaneous, were prone for reminiscing. And as she walked down the hall, headed to either the best idea of her life or the worst, Terra kept hearing Leslie's voice in her head.

She knocked on the door quickly, hearing the off hand, "come in," and she pushed it open, stepping into the room.

    "Hey Jensen," Terra said as he turned and smiled at her, and then she strode up, took his collar, dragging him to her height, and kissed him.


Terra sighed, rolling back on her heels as she pulled away. Somehow she had known this would be the result before she had even made up her mind to try it.

    "Wha – you..."

Terra glanced up at the noise. Jensen was standing there, eyes wider than she'd ever seen them, cheeks quickly darkening, jaw open, floundering for words.

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