Fifty-nine ||No, I Need You to Hold My Hand

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Hey guys, what's up?

Okay so two announcements: one, I'm gonna have to go to an update every two weeks instead of one, sorry guys, but y'know, school and other crap. I really hope you stay in touch, that would be rad and I'd love your for more forever than I already do.

Two, yes, I'm updating on a Friday whoa, man, it's weird. Anyway, it's bc I'm going to Nevada tom so I wouldn't be here Sunday. But this counts as Sundays update, so two weeks from Sunday I'll update again. I just feel that I'm not able to give you quality chapters in the one week's time, and it puts a hell of a lot of pressure on me. So that's that.

Ohh wait I lied, three things. I am so so so sorry for not updating the LNF book and responding to messages and comments. I appreciate you guys so much and your effort and support and I'm super sorry I haven't been communicating lately. So I can't promise immediate repsonse, but I will do my best, and I hope you all stick around.

Thank you so so much for all of you who have held on through all this, so this chapter is actually dedicated to every single one of you, because writing on here and having you guys like my stuff is honestly one of the best things that's happened to me. And I might be having a rough time right now but I wouldn't change anything and this sounds really fricking cliche so I'm going to shut up, but just now that you all have played such a big part on my confidence and helped me keep pursuing writing, so thank you for that.

*ALSO HEY* creds to frenchowl, the bestest of best buds, the milk to make my cookie better, the charger when I'm at one percent, the one to right know when I need her to right know because A) she gave me the idea that Coal is total crap at ice skating which gives you all future fluff, so thank her, and B) her crew is making a cameo this chapter which is pretty rad and if you want to learn more about said crew you should read her book.

Okay, that's all, thanks guys and I hope you enjoy the chapter and have a great existence!!

*yo it's sorta basically kinda all fluff oops sorry the heterosexuals have done it again but do not fear my friends the gay agenda shall return to take over the world*


"How do I know this isn't an ambush?"

I turn to Anika's second in command. He's stopped walking, hand over his eyes to shield them from the glaring sunlight peeking through the smoke. He turns to me and gestures the barrel of his gun to the distant shape of the boathouse.

"If we had wanted you dead you'd be in a ditch already." Coal supplies cheerfully over his shoulder while being tugged along by Emma and Eve.

I give him an absent whack on the arm, turning to Trigger Happy. "You don't. But he's right, we don't need an ambush to kill you guys."

Trigger Happy swings the gun to point at me. "You should watch it."

I push the barrel away with my finger. "You should stop waving this thing around. It's not a laser pointer."

He sneers. I sneer back. We keep walking until the boathouse is in full view.


Owen is the first one over, Terra and Steel following suit.

Terra hugs me, almost lifting me off my feet, while Steel and Coal do some complicated handshake.

I relish the fierceness of Terra's grip before I have to open my eyes and face reality. And Owen glaring at me.

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