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The four boys finally arrive at their destination where history was made. "Just grab the tickets and stop interrogating the poor worker can you?" Yeonjun says grabbing the tickets and saying sorry in Beomgyu's part. "I was just asking if the materials and art work in this place are real or just a replica of it" Beomgyu says walking beside Taehyun. Yeonjun ignores his friend and walks beside Soobin who was infront of the group already.

The four guys walk along a wall filled with art pieces and painting of well known people along history. They looked at statues and sculptures of well defined figures. A small piece of art catches Yeonjun's eyes as he stops and looks at it more closely. The painting was the view of the stars with trees along the edges, it almost seem familiar but Yeonjun couldn't figure out what it was or where he last saw it. "Yeonjun doesn't this guy look almost like you? or is my brain playing with me?" Beomgyu says taking Yeonjun's attentions away from the painting he was just looking at.

Yeonjun walks towards his friend to see what he was talking about. Beomgyu was staring at a painting of a young man with a white elegant gown on and a white crown with small moon stones and diamonds along it. It did almost look like him almost identical to him. "Is this Prince Chisoo?" Yeonjun asks looing at the small stand with information about the picture, and for sure it was the prince. "Didn't he kill himself?" Taehyun asks. "He killed himself when his parents killed his lover" Soobin says. Yeonjun turns to look at him as both boys make eye contact. "oof that is rough" Beomgyu says.

Yeonjun breaks the eye contact and turns back to the painting, "but it does look like Yeonjun" Beomgyu says moving to the next painting. Taehyun follows him as Yeonjun still looks at the painting. "He does look like you doesn't he?" Soobin says sliding next to him. "Yeah, almost like me" Yeonjun whispers staring deeply into the painting's eyes. Everything was almost identical.

"My mom always talks about the story of him and his lover" Yeonjun says turning to look towards Soobin. "My father told me the story for a bed time story once as well" Soobin says. "Come on guys what's taking you guys forever?!" Beomgyu shouts causing mumbles around the room for being too loud. Yeonjun walks towards Beomgyu who was standing near some glass cases that contain special and important possessions. "Stop being so loud" Taehyun whines hitting Beomgyu in the shoulder. Beomgyu hits him back causing even more stares.

"Lets just leave these lovebirds" Yeonjun says grabbing Soobin's hand and dragging him to another part of the museum. Almost like the other part that they left Beomgyu and Taehyun alone this hallway also had glass cases along the brick wall. But instead this hallway looked more historic than the other one that was more modern. "Do you think they have something weird between those two?, it seems off" Soobin says looking behind him.

"I guess they had history in their friendship before or something like that I forgot" Yeonjun says walking down the hallway while looking at the items in the cases. Most of them were instruments or weapons but Yeonjun stops at a particular necklace that was almost calling out to him. The light from the room was reflecting from the necklace. This view almost seem so familiar, the necklace was also familiar. The crystals that shined from the necklace were small but so beautiful. The flower in the middle stood out the most almost like it was born to be the center piece of the necklace.

"That necklace is probably the most gorgeous piece in our museum, that knight for sure knew what he was doing giving that necklace to the prince" one of the staff that was working their said. Yeonjun and Soobin turn over to the staff. "Wow... You look just like price Chisoo" The staff says walking closer to Yeonjun. "Almost like a replica of him" he whispers. "I have a question is there any painting of the knight?" Yeonjun asks curious of how this knight looked like.

"No, he wasn't a important role in royalty so he was never painted, after the princes death the queen and king hid all the information about the knight and his whereabouts. Its almost impossible to see how he looked like, but there should be something about it in the storage room, some researchers found some boxes that contained information about the knight and they sent it to the museum. The museum will open that section in 9 months or so" the staff says.

"Is there a way I can see it? Please" Yeonjun pleads. "I'm most likely going to lose my job if they found out I let some visitor inside the storage room. The best option is to just come back in 9 months" the staff says with a sorry look in his face. Yeonjun pouts sadly, he knew he shouldn't bride the worker into entering the room so he just had to accept it that way. "I promise you, that you won't lose your job" Soobin says. "What do you mean by that?" the worker asks confused. "My father owns the museum, after he died the museum now belongs to me, I never took any importance into it since it seemed useless for my business but I didn't sell it due to it being so important for my dad" Soobin says with a smirk.

"So you wont get fired, okay now please lead us to the storage room because my...friend here wants to see it" Soobin says looking towards Yeonjun. "Oh, if that's the case please follow me sir" the worker says leading both Yeonjun and Soobin towards the back of the museum, they walk down some stairs almost into a basement that was dusty and had spider webs in the corner of the room. This place seem so different and unclean compared to the actual museum upstairs. The staff walks though a room where many selves and boxes were stacked against the wall and in the middle of the room. He picks up a box with a label on it and places it on the desk.

He opens it revealing many notebooks and files, even some possessions of the knight like his clothes and amour. "Be free to touch anything just don't break it since its very fragile, the paper is old that's why" the worker says with a smile. Yeonjun grabs a small notebook, the book was dusty and looked very wore out. The cover was almost tore off completely but it still was holding on for dear life. Yeonjun opens the small black old notebook slowly trying to be careful not wanting to ruin it for the museum.

The notebook had writings in hangul and the old writing of hanja. The writing was written in a dark ink, Yeonjun couldn't understand half of what it as saying. While Yeonjun was looking at the notebook, Soobin was looking at the files, while opening a small notebook a small frame falls, Soobin picks it up and notices that it was a small painting of someone. "Who is this?" Soobin asks showing the worker the painting.

"That should be the knig-" the worker stops mid sentence when he notices something, he stares at Soobin and then towards Yeonjun who looked back at him with confused faces. "Is something wrong?" Yeonjun asks.

"You look exactly like the prince, and you look exactly like the knight. Please don't tell me this is not  a coincidence" the worker says. "The myth is probably real..." the worker says shaking his head trying to denial the idea. "What myth" Soobin asks.

"There was a myth that if two people that loved each other dearly, like very very much. but weren't able to completely be together due to their lifestyles, they were given another chance to be together again. If there was true love between the individuals, they would find each other and once again fall in love but..."

"But what?" Yeonjun asks, "There is a chance that history might repeat itself again for the two lovers"


I hope you are enjoying your day!!

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