Chapter 9- Propinquity.

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"Y/n, I don't know what's wrong with Taehyung but I always envied him since the moment you told me you loved him. You are so caring and understanding, anyone who has you in his or her life is blessed in every possible sense and now that he isn't treating you the way he is supposed to.....i'm sorry Y/n but I really want to show you what you deserve and that is why I'm asking you to be mine and let me be yours" he says leaning towards me as I'm still trapped between his arms.

"I don't want to just have sex, I want to live a beautiful life with you. T-to create memories that hopefully turn into beautiful stories for us to tell each other when we are 80 years old like you said.. I've seem to have fallen in love with not just you but with each and every single thing about you....I want to make you smile, to make you laugh, to see you waiting for me ever day when I'm back from work, to see your beautiful face tight peacefully sleeping while hugging me when I accidentally wake up at 3 am, for you to play with my hairs and just so much more.." he speaks so effortlessly, I could see the sparkle in his eyes this time as if he's mentally begging me to believe him.

I realize that I can't think straight but his words walk through the deepest broken core of my heart making me wonder if that's really the truth. It's not like I don't love myself but I can't stop myself from doubting the kind of person I am, maybe Jungkook walked into my life for a reason because I do believe that each and everything that happens with us is because of one or another reason but that doesn't mean I won't be extra careful this time.

I gulp while processing my thoughts as he waits once again patiently for me to complete my thought process. "I'd like to go out with you Jungkook" I spoke softly still doubting the words that left my mouth because I need to make sure that I'm not using Jungkook to get over my feelings for Taehyung, once these words are out you can't take them back Y/n.

I'm just showing myself that just because the guy I loved switched on me that doesn't mean I have to cry for days or struggle with getting over him, I deserve to be happy. I look at Jungkook who was smiling sweetly at me but still not moving away from the same position as before, slowly leaning closer while biting his lips as the smile now dropped down to a much serious yet adorable little pout.

I shiver as his hands grab my jaw gently making me tilt my head a little so it gets easier for him to press his lips over mine. I respond back without any hesitation because I remember him kissing me yesterday and it would be a lie if I said I didn't crave his lips again, his lips feel so soft. Now that I'm under my senses I can fill in each and every little details, he bites my lips a little as his long slender fingers moves down tracing my jaws to my if he himself is registering little details about every corner of my body.

My heart races at the way our lips are moulded against each other so perfectly, our hands intertwined making me smile in between the kiss as my other hand wraps around his neck to pull him closer towards me...he makes me greedy. It's like a fairy tale as butterflies seem to be fluttering around but only on the inside, sparkles in the moment or more like god eyes when he talked out his feelings, his little touches already doing the magic on my senses and us tasting each others smile.

He pulls back after a while, a little smile plastered over his lips making it hard for me to not pull his cheeks and rant about how cute he is. He leans in again to place a little peck on my forehead, "You are so beautiful baby.... so so beautiful" his voice now in a whisper like tone due to the closeness between our face. Warm breath brushing against my upper lips making me blush at the sweet honey dipped words he knitted out for me at a moment like this where I can't even get my senses right back at place.

Jungkook's finger tips are electric, they must be, for wherever they touch my skin tingles in a frenzy of static. As his hands move over my skin my body has a transitory paralysis, my mind unable to process the pleasure so fast. His warm hand ran down my body and I shivered. Chase pulled me close to him and kissed my forehand. Touching him is like being handed the holy grail, like my heart is mended even though I never knew it was broken.

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