Chapter 22- Chew.

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"So you mean that you'll just confront her about everything?" Namjoon clarified the conclusion of all the information I passed onto him as I didn't want to just trust what Taehyung said solely. Namjoon is much mature despite of being younger than me and I respect him for that so the best option for me was to consider whatever happened with him first before jumping to some random conclusion because I don't want to accuse an innocent person and especially ruin my little sister's happiness for nothing.

"Look this is all very complicated and before you tell Y/n this just make sure you don't sound like you are against Jungkook completely because we still don't know what's up and if something happens then let me know" Namjoon finally reaches to a certain end with a deep stressed sigh, even though yesterday when I met him after a month he seemed totally dead.

Reddened eyes which seemed like he has been crying for ages, bags under those curves and the once euphoric dimples didn't seem to exist anymore and on top of that he also lost a concerning amount of weight but despite of all the questions I bombarded on him, he only brushed it off by saying it's a seasonal fever and that he's getting the eye allergies back again.

"Are you sure you're okay Namjoon-ah?" I questioned once again in hope he replies honestly because I was genuinely worried about him, just because I don't portray certain emotions through facial expressions or my tone doesn't mean I don't care for people I love.

"Yes hyung now call me if something fucks up" he said once again before cutting the call shut as I run my fingers through my hairs due to all the frustration that's been building up. Taehyung knows that I'm here today and he seemed more than excited to spill all the tea for Y/n and that was just not normal in my opinion.

I walk out of the car to admire her new place, it's gorgeous and totally something Y/n would get herself. My heart races faster as I knocked the doors softly while multiple thoughts running through my mind, some even with the consideration that I should just run away before I ruin everything for someone who's innocent or maybe I should stay because if this is the truth then my Y/n deserves to know. She's the only family I've ever had and it's my responsibility to care for her as much as she always cares for me without even expecting something in return except for my happiness.

"Yoongi" she smiled, I didn't even realize she already opened the door and here she was with the same sweet smile that melts every heart. There was a golden glow all over her face like the twinkling stars, it showed how much happy she was now that she finally is settled down and is progressing in life and that made me happy. It also made me feel guilty for what I was about to do, I hugged her back before following her inside as my eyes scanned through the mesmerising interiors that she decorated whole heartedly.

"Sit here, I'll get you some water and trust me you'll have a bursted stomach by the end of the day" she chuckled as I smiled back softly, at least the mouth watering food court provide me with some strength and hope that everything works out well because deep inside I was hoping that some how Jungkook proves me wrong this time.

My eyes scan around the place again for a brief moment, couple of breath taking framed pictures of Jungkook and Y/n catching my attention and unconsciously making me softly smile at the sight of them happy. "Jungkook! Come down Yoongi is here" she yelled while placing the tray filled with little snacks and beverage down with the same smile before taking a seat beside me.

"How was the shoot?" she questioned to start a conversation as I took a sip of the juice before continuing to reply "Boring as usual but how's everything? Is he doing a good job as a boyfriend?" I gulped down another sip as her face brightened up once again at the mention of the word boyfriend. "I've never been this happier Yoongs, he's always there for me and i just feel blessed" she explained as I noticed the passion jumping out of each and every word that passed her lips, screaming the truth and honestly about everything she just said.

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