Chapter 21- Petrichor.

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I can't seem to find the word that would suit this perfect night because in this very moment i never felt as intensely connected to the world, to another human being, as I did with Jungkook. Especially when there's just him and me and this peaceful scenery showering it's blessings upon us. "Stop staring at me Jungkook, people might think that you are some creep" I chuckle while taking another sip of the wine as there has barely been any moment that involved him taking his eyes off of me.

"I can't, you just look so beautiful" he breathed out while continuing to admire my beauty. "Anyways you never told me about your family Y/n, I'd love to know about them" he smiles as I feel a sudden shiver run through my spine. Family, something so complicated yet desirable. Mine is filled with mixed emotions and being the only child doesn't really help the situation since at least I'd have someone to share the pain all these years growing up from whatever I saw.

"Um yeah my father is currently working with a company but he's a retired general previously, used to work with aircrafts and wars and my mother is a home maker and author" I explained, still not comfortable to share the dark side or maybe I was scared to scare him away despite of the fact that he already trusted me with his scars. "Oh wow he works as? and I'd love to read some of your mom's books!" he excitedly replied before pouring down some more wine for himself as I forced a little smile, I don't like the thought of my family in a picture with us Jungkook. Wish I could gather the courage to tell you that but unfortunately I can't.

"He's the CEO and my mom wrote the book called moon's a harsh mistress" I confessed while avoiding to look at his face because I'm sure he's shocked. My mother's best selling book is placed under fiction but in reality it's the book based off on her life, I burned the copy she gifted me a long time ago.

She wrote about me obviously and it was definitely hard to grow up reading about myself, each word was enough to make me feel all the pain again. Dad never dared to read it either but somehow public loved the book to the deepest core as it shared the awareness of how a women should stand up for herself and importance of a home maker.

Funny how she writes about it effortlessly, talks about it like a leader but still can't apply it to her life. She's a loser in real life and the most frightening scene that I'd possibly ever witness was my dad and mom funding associations to support all the females troubled with abuse from family and especially the husband with a proud smile, my dad talking about empowering women while the scenes of him dragging my mom with her bare hairs as she begged for him to stop flashed around my mind with each flash of the camera.

"Wait oh my god then how the porn director?" he questioned as I stirred the fork around my plate nervously. "My dad wanted me to take over the company but I didn't yet so just for some experience but since I didn't have a degree based off on videography skills I wasn't signed for any huge projects but then Namjoon offered me the work and at first it started as a help but then I kind of connected with the beauty of the people working in this industry. Sex workers deserve respect too, I don't enjoy filming people having sex but I just kind of enjoy talking to these workers and possibly helping them in case they are being forced. Unfounded I'll have to leave this someday and take dad's position" I fake smiled as he smiled back softly immediately.

My apologiesfor not telling the truth Jungkook, the truth is that I just couldn't stay in that house watching all of it happening and then pretending to be a happy family so it's better if I fulfilled my responsibility as the so called perfect daughter from a distance while at the same time got myself a little distraction by doing something I love. "You are really perfect aren't you?" he questioned as I shake my head around playfully making him burst down into a cute chuckle.

"I'm done can we go down to the beach please?" I whined while looking at the beach right ahead of us, it was peaceful around without much crowd making it perfect for someone like me. The little fairy lights glistening around and complementing the stars in the deep dyed sky making the view even more breath taking than I expected it to be. "Yes yes princess let's go" he smiled while placing down a generous amount of tip for the waiter.

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