Chapter 11- Pluto.

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"Why can't you just answer my damn question Jimin!?" I walked towards him again frustrated about the fact that he was simply ignoring my question as if I don't exist. Why does he have to be so childish over everything again? I simply questioned him about how was Y/n and his useless soggy ass can't even answer that, "God damnit Taehyung! don't you realize she has moved on with that Jungkook kid and here you are still stuck between your feelings" he growled back at me as I glare at him confused, just because I want to know how she is doesn't make me love sick because deep down I'll always care about her even if stabs me to death.

"Just because I'm asking how she is doesn't mean I'm going to marry her bullshit! god you are so damn stupid" I grab the chilled plastic water bottle aggressively which was fortunately within my reach and take a sip in, hoping that it'll calm me down but the midget just doesn't stop.

"If you are so fucking curious then don't be a chicken and go talk to her yourself!" his annoying voice echoes through the halls once again followed by the loud noise of the refrigerator shutting close. Tch, as if that's gonna make me any scared.

"You are such a bitch oof I re-" my back hits the bed before I could complete my sentence as I look at Jimin leaning his face dangerously close to mine making my breath hitch as it's definitely not a comfortable position to be in. A part me wonder how he walked in here so quick and the other part is just frustrated with the way he's been acting ever since he got back with my things.

"Don't you dare regret this" he orders through gritted teeth as if he's trying to hold back his anger which he definitely was but no way in hell I would let him act like some sort of alpha bossing me around and expecting me to pay attention to his crap that doesn't make sense.

I push him away with all my strength as I take a seat while fixing my hair, "I don't give a fuck so now tell me how was she? and before you start to after all cool again as if you don't give a fuck just no that you have never been in a situation where you were with someone for years! not just sharing a beautiful friendship but almost a relationship filled with love, trust and care and then boom! everything vanishes one day that too after a week long torture...scratch that almost a month that too without any damn explanation" I rant out frustrated not caring about hurting his feeling or how harsh my tone might go anymore because he needs to see this.

He needs to see how much shit I have bottled up inside of me and how much this guilt is killing me inside out almost dragging me to a point where I wish I didn't exist anymore just so he at least thinks once before acting with me that way as if I'm committing some crime. All I hear to know is that she's okay and doing good even though I know she's not because of how I just randomly disappeared from her life in the worst way possible.

"I'm very happy Jimin that she's with Jungkook, I know that kid is good but I only wish he doesn't turn out like me....all I want to know is that she's doing okay that's all" and that's how I finally break down. I don't care if this makes me look like a submissive but I just can't keep it inside anymore. I let my tears slide down shamelessly as I feel someone rubbing my back making me feel the instant warmth of comfort.

"I'm sorry Taehyung I didn't mean to make you know me and Y/n were never on good terms since the beginning but she's doing good, in fact she was dressed up well and seems like Jungkook is really taking care of her" Jimin finally speaks out what I wanted to hear, I'm telling myself that Jungkook is a good kid but is that the truth?

He looked like a total different person today when we met and it's not like I'm blaming him completely because maybe he's just upset over the fact that I was being a jerk and showing up out of nowhere but still the aura and his vibes were off. It felt like he's not the person I has around me all these days before this drama happened, it felt like it's the first time I ever met Jeon Jungkook and the person who used to play all those videos games and call me hyung was just a part of my illusion. From the way he spoke to the way he acted, no way in hell he looked shy or calm anymore but more like intimidating and aggressive. Not the good kind, the negative one.

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