Chapter 25- The Foster Home

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(What the house looks like is linked.)


"Brittany, this is our daughter Aubrey." Mrs. Jenson introduces me as I see the apparent, Aubrey sitting at her desk in the corner of her room on her laptop, not bothering to make my presence known.

I nod my head and attempt to approach the blonde haired girl with dark brown highlights, wearing nothing but black clothing. As I get closer and closer, I notice how the room smells weird. Like weed? I lived in a hospital, of course I know how that smells. I've never done it though. She still doesn't turn around or even budge. I was now only 2 feet away from behind her and she stops typing on her keyboard and turns her head slightly around to glare at me with her grey eyes and dark red lip stick. Like the color of blood. My heart was racing and I felt like jumping out the window. I can't share a room with this freak! She looks like she'd murder me in my sleep!

"Okay..." I whisper and start backing away, back to Mr. and Mrs. Jenson.

"She'll warm up to you, promise." Mr. Jenson stutters in his deep voice leading out of the room, shutting the door behind me.

I left my suitcases in the room and I'm afraid that was a mistake leaving them with that creeper.

"So, dinner will be served in an hour, till then, you can take this list and read over it in the den." Mrs. Jenson says handing me a huge piece of paper, cheerfully.

I take the paper and stare at it hoping it wasn't what I thought it'd be. A list of rules. 50 of them to be exact.

Before I could say anything Mr. Jenson was heading to what seemed to be his office down the hall and Mrs. Jenson went to the kitchen.

The den was apparently in the room behind me, gated off by glass, white, wooden doors, shielded from the inside by white curtains. I enter and shut the door behind me and make my way to a couch.

The room seemed very peaceful. Like the place to go when you wanted to be alone. The walls were painted a baby blue. The 2 small, couches were white, accompanied by one white lounge chair in the corner of the room placed next to the convenient book shelf that went from the light wooden floor to the white ceiling that held a crystal chandelier. The room had no TV which sucked but it seemed to be the only place in this house that felt even the slightest bit comfortable.

I sit on the couch by the window that peers into the front of the house and begin reading the list.

These rules were ridiculous!!! Here's a few that I hated the most!

Rule #13: Lights out by 9:00. (10:00 on weekends)

Rule #17: Cell phones are to be checked by either Mrs. or Mr. Jenson every Friday night before bed. (Including all emails, text messages, ingoing and outgoing calls, voicemails, and FaceTimes.)


Rule #27: Chores are only assigned when grades are lower than a C.

Rule #30: Family game nights are REQUIRED every Wednesday night. (Failure to attend any night will be punished by no cell phone usage for 3 days.)

Rule #35: You may only hang out with friends who are approved by Mrs. or Mr. Jenson.

Rule #36: Only 3 hours is the maximum amount of time you may spend at the mall.

Rule #37: Must attend at least one extra curricular activity.

Rule #42: No swearing. (Punished by grounded to stay in house for a week unless going to school.)

Rule #45: No raises in allowance. (You receive $40 a week)

and last but not least, the one I hated the most.


How was I going to do this? I can't break up with Jack. I can't explain this to him without getting caught in my big secret. I kinda love Jack and I promised myself I wouldn't have anything come in between- Wait.... I kinda love Jack. Now that I think about it, it's true. I can't lie to myself. I don't completely love Jack. Some part of me ever since last night, I didn't feel so sure about my feelings for him. I want to believe that I'm just still shooken up about how this all just happened so fast, but then I come to some kind of truth and believe that something is holding me back from loving him completely and effortlessly. I still had feelings for someone else. Cameron...


"This looks delicious, Mrs. Jenson." I lie staring at the strange looking food on my plate.

There was mashed potatoes but the main dish looked half some type of meat, half something mushy and orange. It made my stomach turn. Mostly because the smell.

I look up, waiting for a response but notice, all eyes were on me.

"Are you going to eat?" Mr. Jenson asks.

They all were on to me. They were seeing if I was truly cured of anorexia. I had to do this and I had to do it quick.

Sorry, short chapter /:

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