Chapter 50- The Heart Wants What it Wants

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Made it to chapter 50! Ahh! I really enjoyed writing this book for you guys but this will be the final chapter. So enjoy the dirty half and the other half is sweet. Combo of what I feel made this book pretty good. Love you guys :)

"It's not finished yet because I was going to allow you to decorate it any way you want, but we do have a whole mansion left. Pick your spot." His voice was filled with lust.

I kick off my shoes, not leaving eye contact with him, then slowly unbutton my flannel, button-up shirt, hopefully teasing the crap out of him. He begins biting his lip then reaching for my bare skin on my hips. I was now just in a bra and jean shorts and I could tell he was going crazy. I was tired, but I had him right where I wanted him and I'm not turning back now.

I grab his hand and have him sit on the floor with me and this was something I've been wanting to do for a while now. Sex on the floor. Why not? As if he read my thoughts, he lays me on the soft, carpeted, floor on my back, his smirks continue. He straddles me and lifts his shirt, off and over his head revealing his toned six pack that he must've been working out on more because it was never this amazing. I run my hands up and down his abs as he tries unhooking my bra. When he succeeds, he moves to my shorts and slowly unbuttons them as I play with the liner of his cargo shorts, eventually digging my fingers into them and making my way to unzipping them. When I succeed, he grins at me and I couldn't help but giggle a little. Even though it was silent in the room, it was nothing but romantic.

He leans down over top of me and hungrily attacks my neck forcing an unexpected moan out of me. I feel him smirk against my skin so I decide to get back at him by sliding my hand down his abs, back to his briefs and palm his huge bulge earning a moan from him, turning me on even more than I already was.

He continues struggling with the button of my tight jean shorts so I help him and slide them off revealing I wasn't wearing panties, I was wearing a g-string making Cameron go a little crazy. I could tell just by looking into his eyes.

"Babe..." He lets out a soft moan as I palm his bulge through his briefs.

I smirk then make him let me on top of him. As we switch positions, I pull down his briefs revealing his perfect length and I immediately get down to it's level and lick up and down his shaft teasingly forcing moans out of him right and left. I finally put him fully in my mouth and stroke it in a fast motion and in no time feel him cum in my mouth. He bites his lip at me as he watches me swallow it. I attack his lips hungrily and then his neck. As I enjoy myself, he kicks it up a level and slides his hand down my stomach and reaches for in my g-string. He literally rips it off and forces his finger in me and teasingly back out to move around my clit. I moan pleasurably into his mouth as we fight for dominance, making him soon win over me... as always.

He removes his fingers from my sex and comes back onto my breasts and slowly massages them as he moves his passionate kisses to my neck hungrily, leaving a soon-to-be hickey. My moans grow louder as the tip of his length brushes up against me, sending chills throughout my body.

He notices my growing moans and leaves kisses softly down my body, leading to my area. I feel his tongue lick everywhere slowly, pleasurably, hitting all the right places deserving my head being thrown back with strong moans and profanities being shouted into the room like it was nothing. I soon enough, let out into his mouth and licks me clean before positioning himself on top of me and entering me slowly, letting me adjust to his length, that seems like it's grown a lot since the last encounter.

He begins thrusting slowly forcing moans out of me that become louder as he hits the right spot. I bite my lip trying to hold the moans in but it was hopeless as his strong, obnoxious breathes hit my bare chest. He kisses my sweetly and moans in the kiss as he grinds his hips perfectly in a sexy motion that sends his length deeper everytime.

"Cam I'm gonna cu-cum." I whine as I kiss his neck passionately.

"Me too baby"

A couple more thrusts and he lets go inside of me and soon after I release on him as he pulls out for the final time.


"Own that stage princess." Cameron says as we stand on the side of the stage and he pulls me close to kiss me sweetly on the lips.

I was about to go on stage for my final show in less than a minute and I was completely confident now that Cam was here to cheer me on. I was going to sing a song tonight that no one has heard me sing before and I wrote it after Cam and I got back together. I feel it's one of my strongest songs and it means the world to me.

The stage goes dim, making that my que to get on and perform. I walk out and sit on the bar stool and the stage light comes on and shows only me, everything else black. It would be one of my most sentimental and meaningful performances and I wanted nothing to go wrong.

"This song is a new song that I wrote at a really personal time in my life about the love of my life and you guys are the first to hear it." I say into the microphone and earn so many cheers that made me blush, that's when the music started and I turn my head really quick to see Cam standing on the ide of the stage with a big smile directed towards me.

"You got me sippin' on something
I can't compare to nothing
I've ever known, I'm hoping
That after this fever I'll survive
I know I'm acting a bit crazy
Strung out, a little bit hazy
Hand over heart, I'm praying
That I'm gonna make it out alive

The bed's getting cold and you're not here
The future that we hold is so unclear
But I'm not alive until you call
And I'll bet the odds against it all
Save your advice 'cause I won't hear
You might be right but I don't care
There's a million reasons why I should give you up
But the heart wants what it wants
The heart wants what it wants

You got me scattered in pieces
Shining like stars and screaming
Lighting me up like Venus
But then you disappear and make me wait
And every second's like torture
Heroin drip, no more so
Finding a way to let go
Baby, baby, no, I can't escape

The bed's getting cold and you're not here
The future that we hold is so unclear
But I'm not alive until you call
And I'll bet the odds against it all
Save your advice 'cause I won't hear
You might be right but I don't care
There's a million reasons why I should give you up
But the heart wants what it wants
The heart wants what it wants
The heart wants what it wants
The heart wants what it wants

This is a modern fairytale
No happy endings
No wind in our sails
But I can't imagine a life without
Breathless moments
Breaking me down, down, down, down

The bed's getting cold and you're not here
The future that we hold is so unclear
But I'm not alive until you call
And I'll bet the odds against it all
Save your advice 'cause I won't hear
You might be right but I don't care
There's a million reasons why I should give you up
But the heart wants what it wants
The heart wants what it wants
The heart wants what it wants
The heart wants what it wants

The heart wants what it wants, baby
It wants what it wants, baby
It wants what it wants
It wants what it wants"

After the music stops, thousands of cheers all around the arena scream for me. Some people were even tears, I almost was even, that's when Cameron comes out onto the stage and people scream even louder. I look at him shocked as he takes my hand and starts speaking into a microphone he brought out on stage with him.

I look at him confused but before I could bother speaking, he was already down on one knee!

"Brittany I love you with all my heart and soul and if you didn't know by now, I want to spend every living, breathing second with you. You make me a better person and I never want that to change." He says into the microphone and I was now in tears. The audience was filled with "awwws" and tears, copying mine. I watch him pull out of his pocket a blue, velvet box and opens it showing the most gorgeous ring I've ever laid my eyes on. "Brittany Diamond, will you marry me?"

"Oh my God yes." I cry and laugh at the same time and hug him tightly as he rejoins to his feet. Everyone cheers and it seemed like everything in my life was wrapping up like a fairy tale.

Everything in the world that I loved was now mine with no complications, nothing can hold me back anymore as long as I'm with the guy of my dreams, Cameron Dallas.

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