Chapter 19- This is Why

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From: Cameron 😏

I broke up with Nicole.

I couldn't believe this. Why the heck would he break up with her out of no where after being with her for 2 years?! It couldn't be because of me. That wouldn't make any sense. We met only 5 days ago.

I'm not going to bother responding because I didn't know how to make any sense of this and I really don't want to get wrapped up into anything right now. There's way too much going on right now. Yes, I mean I want to be with Cameron but now, there's Jack G. And as I said before, I didn't want to be the one to be blamed for their break up. I've always wanted a boyfriend. Someone to kiss me, hold me, and tell me that everything will be all right even when it won't. But not like this. I need someone's advice and I need it quick. This is what sucks about not having any girl friends anymore. No one to talk to.

I continue thinking to myself and pondering the same questions over and over till I can't take it anymore.

(A.N.: This is the Taylor that abandoned her, not Taylor Caniff)

To: Taylor


From: Taylor

Who's this?

To: Taylor


From: Taylor

Oh hey! What's up? It's like 3 am? Lol

To: Taylor

I know, I just wanted to see if we could possibly patch things up... I really need some advice right now.

I hated admitting it.

From: Taylor

Omg! Yes! Thank you thank you thank you! I was praying you'd give me another chance! So what do you need? Anything!

To: Taylor

Face time me.

I wait after I send the message for the facetime request to pop up on my screen, when it does, I accept it as fast as I could after taking a deep breath to calm down.

"Hey!" She says all peppy. Just like I remember her.

"Hi. So, I need some advice."

"I'm all ears!"

"Well, there's this guy that I met 5 days ago on the Hollywood sign, and I immediately fell head over heels for him...but he has a girlfriend."

"Aw!!!! What's his name?!"

"I don't want to tell you." I say blankly, watching as she shuts down. I didn't want to tell her it was Cameron because she loves the guys just like me. If she found out I knew the guys now, she would barge into everything and try to hook up with at least one of them. She loves all the guys... especially Cameron.

"Oh, okay..."

"Anyway, so we've been hanging out almost everyday since then and my crush has been just growing more and more. The second day we've ever hung out, he took me to his place-" She cuts me off with a squeal.


"NO! No I didn't! We didn't do anything!"

"Oh...." I watch her look down in her lap then re-raise her head into the camera smirking.


"But you wanted to..." She continues to smirk which makes me giggle.

"....I don't know about that, but maybe." I roll my eyes as she laughs.

"We just cuddled, and we fell asleep in eachother's arms." I begin to blush.

"That is too cute! He likes you..."

"How would you know?"

"I can just tell."

"I don't know, but I didn't get to what I need help on."

"I'm listening"

"His best friend took me on a date tonight and seems to actually like me. I want to like him, but I don't completely. A part of me just is constantly screaming at me to be with the original guy I met. Then the other part is telling me that's not fair to his friend that likes me now."

"That's a toughie"

"Well, it gets worse! The guy that I first met, just texted me after talking to the one I had a date with tonight, for 2 hours, that he broke up with his girlfriend."

"Did he say why?!"

"No, I didn't ask either. I'm going to see him tomorrow."

"Well then find out."

"I kind of don't want to find out..."


"I don't know. Just scared I guess."

"Well, if I were you, this best friend of his seems like the best choice."


"Because he took you on a date, he wants you."

"I'm not sure. But thank you."

"No problem! Now, I hate to end the conversation but I have to go to sleep, school tomorrow!"

"Okay, goodnight."

"Night Britt!"

I press end and my screen turns back to the home screen. I felt like texting Jack but he was probably asleep by now.

Taylor was a big help tonight but only if she knew that, while this is all happening, I'm keeping in probably the biggest secret ever from them all. It would probably ruin my friendships with them all. I need to tell them before its too late. So I guess that's something to stress about tomorrow. I hope they just understand.


Tonight I broke up with Nicole because of many reasons. I said to myself I wasn't going to be the one to break it off, but I can't take another second with her. She's caused so much trouble for me in many aspects of my life and wasn't beneficial to anything but my sexual needs. That sounds real douchey now that I think about it.

Yeah, Brittany is the first one I tell. Why? Because she needs to know that I wasn't about to let Nicole get away with her insulting Britt like that earlier today... and that's the only reason. I was a real jerk for letting Nicole continue acting like that for as long as she did. It shouldn't have happened at all. But on top of this all, the thing that shocked me the most was seeing Brittany's scars on her wrists. The sight of it made me feel a stinging sensation in my chest at the time. I felt as if I couldn't breathe because of how badly I felt for her. I just hope she's okay and didn't do anything stupid, because I don't know that side of her yet. I don't know what goes through that mind of hers. Hell, I'm pretty sure I know hardly anything about her.



I get out of the shower to the sound of a scream of crying in the hallway. I quickly jump out of bed with my Cameron blanket the hospital recently surprised me with, and rush over to my door peeking my head out. I look right and left down the hallway and see nothing but the shrieks of grief continue. With my hair still wet and just a sports bra on with shorts, I begin walking through the halls until the shrieks become closer and closer, frankly, freaking me out. I come to the source and gasp with my hand over my mouth in disbelief. I can see through the glass window into Lea's hospital room laying on her hospital bed dead, her mom who was actually skinny, holding her daughter screaming her head off. Lea was the only person I've ever talked to in this hospital besides Natalie. I gave her my food when she wasn't supposed to have any at all. This is partially my fault and now I have to live with that on my conscience for the rest of time I have on this cruel Earth. I become teary eyed and run back into my room and into my bathroom, locking the door behind me. I couldn't cry, I was out of tears. I just looked at myself in the mirror above my sink. No tears, just a blank stare across my face.

I was skinny.... and they say I'm dying from it? Well Lea was fat... look what happened to her. This is why I will always be a anorexic.

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