Chapter 10- Say You'll Remeber Me

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I pull up to the curb and walk to the front door once I parked my truck. I knock and Nicole opens up attacking me with a kiss. I kiss her back and she pulls on my shirt collar, pulling us into her house. She unexpectedly jumps up into my arms and wraps her legs around my waist, continuing to kiss me, slowly making the kisses down to my neck, never finding my sweet spot. She never does.

"Let's go upstairs." She whispers in between the kiss and starts running her hands through my hair.

I set her down and she looks up at me shocked.

"Not tonight babe." I smirk at her receiving an immediate whine from her.

I've been smiling ever since I started driving. I can't stop and I don't know why.

"Fine. Then what do you want to do? And where did you end up driving off to?" She giggles trying to act cute.

"How about we call some of the guys over and just hang out?" I suggest.

"Fine... Even though you've done that almost every night. But where did you go?"

"To the Hollywood sign. Nothing special and no reason." I answer quickly.

I sit down on the couch as she comes and sits down too, laying her legs across my lap.

I get out my phone and start a group chat with Matt, Nash, Taylor, and the Jack's. I invite them all over and press send. I soon get a reply one by one, all accepting the invitation.


"Yes?" I answer.

"Are you happy with me?" Nicole randomly asks.

"What do you mean? Of course I am." I say rolling my eyes.

"Then why do you never buy me things?"

"Uh... Because I didn't know I had to buy your love?"

"Don't see it as buying my love, see it as enhancing it!" She giggles as she playfully hits me on the chest but I knew she was serious.

I roll my eyes again and jump up as I hear a knock on the door. The guys save me from the toughest situations.

I open the door and stand aside letting them all in. One by one. Jack G, Nash, then Matt, Taylor, and lastly.... No Jack J?

"Hey, where's Jack?" I ask as I bro hug Gilinsky.

"He had a date he forgot about."

"Finally a date for Johnson!" Matt yells as he falls onto the couch opposite from Nicole on her phone.

No one says anything to her, neither does she as she stares at her iPhone 6 I bought her, in her boredom face.

I go into her kitchen and open the fridge.

"Nic, did you get any more Arizona?!" I yell from the other room.

"It should be in there." I hear her say as she walks up behind me.

I feel her arms wrap around my waist from behind as she starts running her hands under my shirt into my pants. I rip her hand out forcefully but not too harshly. I don't need another temper tantrum from her.

"I said not tonight Nicole!" I almost raise my voice out of frustration.

I hear her groan and let out a dramatic sigh. I watch as she walks away towards the spiral staircase she has connecting the kitchen and living room.

"I'm going to bed!" She yells as she starts walking up the stairway.

"Goodnight!" I yell up to her as I make my way back to the guys sitting on the couch with a tray of snacks and drinks in my hands.

She doesn't respond and I'm already sitting down on the middle cushion on the couch. Matt on my left and Jack G on my right. Nash on the other couch and Taylor on the lounge chair, pointed towards the huge flat screen I bought Nicole when she moved into this place.

I grab the remote and turn on Netflix using the Apple TV, also paid by me. I turn on all of our's favorite show, Family Guy. As the shows starts, Taylor thankfully breaks the awkward silence that has been going on since Nicole went upstairs.

"So what's up with you and your girl tonight?" He asks.

"Why specifically tonight? Didn't you notice it's been like this for weeks now?" Nash chimes in.

They weren't wrong. Nicole and I haven't been working out so well but I won't be the one to end it because I can't see myself single again. Plus I don't want to seem like the bad guy. I honestly can't though. Even if it's for a short time of being single. Plus I have needs, if you know what I mean. And for me personally, those needs can only be fulfilled by a girl, not by myself if you also know what I'm saying.😏

"I don't know. She's been really changing."

"Asking for you to buy stuff right?" Matt asks not taking his eyes off the TV.

"Yep..." I answer embarrassed that I would let her do that even when I know she shouldn't be.

"That's what my girl did. At that moment I cut her completely off from my life." He pauses and finally takes his eyes off the TV to look at all of us. "Like who are you dating? Me or my money?"

"Exactly man." Nash says agreeing.

"You got a back up girl?" Jack G jokes but it still made me think.

"No. But speaking of girls, look at this fan I met today." I say pulling up that Brittany girl's Instagram and show them some pictures of her. Their eyes nearly pop out of their heads.

"Holy shit!"


"I'd bang that any day!" Jack G inappropriately jokes but makes us all laugh.

"Dude, not cool." I laugh even though he wasn't wrong.

"Where can I find one?!" Nash yells at me causing us all to laugh more.

"Your Twitter account..." I answer to continue the laughs that fill the room.

Nash gets out his phone and apparently goes through his followers. So he was apparently serious...

"So when do we get to meet this sexy chick?!" Taylor asks me.

"I guess anytime really. I put my number in her phone. Now I just have to wait for her text."

"Smooth dude." Nash adds as he continues to scroll through his followers.

"Didn't she see you putting your number in her phones?" Matt asks me.

"No, she just didn't know what I was doing."

"So her idol puts his number in her phone risking her leaking it to her friends."

"I'll just ask her not to!" I laugh at the simplicity of it all.

"Whatever man. It's your phone's funeral." Taylor comes back as a joke.


I was now back at the hospital from having the best day of my life! I still couldn't grasp the reality of it all.

You hugged Cameron Dallas!

You stared into Cameron Dallas' eyes!

You made Cameron Dallas laugh!!!

You made Cameron Dallas smile!!!


Well maybe not that last one so much but I'd like to imagine that.

I grabbed my guitar and didn't even bother with going to the roof. I sat on the couch, started writing lyrics. After that, I figured out a melody. By 1 am I had a new song. The chorus described Cameron perfectly.

(Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift)

"He's so tall and handsome as hell.
He's so bad, but he does it so well. I can see the end, before it begins but my one request is...
Say that you'll remember me,
standing in a nice dress, staring
out into the sunset."

The Heart Wants What it Wants (Cameron Dallas) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now