Chapter 9- Beauty

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I feel my eyes flutter open slowly, soon being blinded by a light over top of me. My vision soon becomes clear and I'm in my room. It's morning already. I sit up slowly feeling a strong pressure of pain in the side of my head. I winced at the pain and let out a few quiet "ow's" as I finally was sitting fully up. I jump quickly as I watch Natalie enter the room.

"Oh thank God you're awake!" She says with her eyes wide, rushing over to me with arms open.

As she clings her body around me, I become very confused. "What happened?"

"You apparently passed out on the steps and fell down a couple after you were knocked out."

"Why did I pass out?"

"Low blood sugar." She answers simply.

"So what, now I have diabetes?" I become very startled.

"No!" She laughs. "It's 2:30 hurry and get ready. Your car will be here soon."

"So, I just passed out from low blood sugar levels and you're still letting me go out a half hour after I just woke up?!" I laugh in disbelief.

"Well I already checked your whole status and everything is normal. You should be good to go. Plus, I'm not your normal type of nurse if you couldn't figure that out yet." She giggles admiring herself.

I smile at her before getting off my bed and walking to my dresser, almost falling over. She catches me and wait till the dizziness passes. When it does, I allow her to let go of me as I continue walking to my dresser. Once I reach it, I grab onto it almost falling again.

"Are you alright?" She asks me placing her hand lightly on my back.

"Yes. I'll be fine."

"Are you...."

I cut her off knowing the question already. "....yes I'm sure."

"Be out front at three!" she says as she pats me on the back. "Be safe."

"I know!" I roll my eyes and began sorting through my new outfits from yesterday.

In some ways, Natalie feels like my mom. Even though she's just 25.

I finish picking out my outfit for the day. A plain baby blue crop top with white, low waisted shorts, along with the new grey vans I bought yesterday. I head to the bathroom, feeling dizzy once again but this time it was controllable. I put my hair in waves and do my normal make up job. I exit the bathroom, grab my phone and wristlet off my bed, and walk out of my room. As I head to the elevator I wave goodbye to Natalie at her desk, then begin checking in my wallet for the credit card. Still there. Good. I enter the elevator alone and close the door. When I reach the ground level, I see the car that I rode in yesterday already here, and pulled up to the curb. As I enter it, I say hello to the familiar driver and tell him where to go.

"Where to today miss?"

Raising my head high, "The Hollywood Sign!"

I watch as he nods his head and starts driving. He turns on the radio and "Young Blood" by Bea Miller begins playing. I loved that song. All the lyrics were so true and real.

"So will you be hiking all the way to the top?" he asks me, turning down the music putting a quick frown on my face.

"That's the plan!" I smile looking out of the window as we pass some real nice looking street-side buildings.

* * *

After about a 20 minute drive to Hollywood, with surprisingly good traffic, we arrive at the starting point of my hike. I say goodbye to the driver and tell him I wouldn't be going anywhere else today so he could just stay here. I begin climbing and my legs were already burning after just 5 minutes. I've done this hike before with my family but that was when I was around 6 or 7 and I was carried half the time either by my brother or dad.

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