Chapter 44- Pain is Everlasting

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***A YEAR & A 1/2 LATER***


It's been a year since I've been out of the hospital now and a lot has happened in that year. You may even say my life has took a turn down the worst path a teenager could really ever go. Best part? I still wish I was dead. But now... I have more to concentrate on in life. My music career.

I was living alone in a house in Pennsylvania. I didn't have much money at all. I dropped out of school because I still never had any parents. I was basically a run away but I'm pretty sure the foster care program gave up on looking for me. I don't blame them. I was living where no one would suspect. I made sure that I made no sort of relationship with anyone either. No aquaintences, no friendships, and especially no boyfriend. I was at the point I could care less, not to mention. How did this all happen you may ask? I got pregnant with my raper at a party who drugged me a month after I was released from the hospital. Well, more like escaped. I never gave birth because I lost it after being abused by the same guy who got me knocked up in the first place. It was for the best in the end though. I can't have a kid, let alone I would never be any kind of suitable parent. It'd be taken away from me as soon as it was born. I haven't had any contact with any of the Magcon guys and neither Aubrey. Her and Carter are married now and live in a mansion in Beverly Hills. That's as much news as I could get on the topic, just by social media.

I had no job, as I lived in an abandoned house up behind one of the local parks of Hershey, PA. The only things I can actually call, "mine" are Emma and my guitar. I just miss owning more. Even the smallest things.

Suicide was a everyday thought. It's bound to happen, but as the days passed, I always back down thinking I'll just live a little longer. See if the world wants to throw anymore problems at me.

I've taken my song writing back up again since all that happened and I got to say, I'm happy I did. When I was where I was a month ago, I sang and recorded all of my songs using the borrowed video camera from the public library. Once I recorded my music, I posted them on YouTube in hope for someone to save me basically. To notice my believed talent. I grew a small fan base and soon I was known my many. I was now already coming out with my first album and for the first time in forever... I can say that I'm proud of myself. I was going on a tour this summer that began in 2 days. I was currently getting off my plane in the first stop on this tour. Miami, Florida. I wasn't alone on this tour, I wasn't even told who would be joining me. All I knew is that I would not be the headliner. It sucked to think of me not being a headliner yet, but I need to remember that baby steps need to be taken. If I wanted to finally show the world my music that, I'm sure, have some of the deepest memories and lessons in music history, I would need to take baby steps.


I just now arrived at the hotel I'd be staying at for the time we're here and my room is beautiful. I don't want to unpack right now so I decided to go and see who else I'll be sharing the stage with. I walk down the hall and knock on the door that has my agent of the tour walking out of.

"Please don't get them all riled up. I just calmed those two down." My agent, Courtney laughs and walks away.

I didn't know what she meant but I'm guessing I was about to find out.

I knock hesitantly on the door and hear two voices talking to each other and coming closer and closer to the door. Two voices I haven't heard in the longest time....

Who do you think it is?!!! 😋

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