Chapter 8- I Needed You

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As I step into the black, shiny car, waiting outside of the hospital for me, I can't help to do anything but smile.

"Where to, miss....? Um?" My personal driver stutters.

"Dallas!" I come out quickly with because, hey, why not?!

"Well then, Ms. Dallas, where should we head to first?"

"Do you by chance know where the best mall in LA is?" I ask unsurely, because I really missed the mall.

"Of course I do!"

He says a little too excited and immediately puts the car in drive and takes off. As he continues driving, we're soon driving down the famous California, rows-upon-rows of palm trees, lining the streets. Last time I seen the sight of these was when I was 13, on my way to the hospital. In a matter of fact, it was the last beautiful sight I got to see before disappearing into the ugly white hospital, that I, personally can consider jail as I mentioned before.

After about another 5 minutes, we pull up to the front entrance of the mall.

"When you're done here, call me so we can go somewhere else. I have to have you back at the hospital by 6:30." The driver reminds me.

I nod my head, unsure if he seen me, but get out of the car anyway. As I enter the mall, a couple familiar faces approach me.

"Brittany?!!!" The one girl with the blonde, wavy hair yells as she runs towards me with her arms open.

And before I know it, I'm being hugged by a trader. Someone I thought was my best friend, but definitely was never a TRUE friend. Taylor. That's why I didn't bother hugging back.

"Hey." I say simply and she releases.

"Hey? How about, 'heeeeeyyyy!'" She tries to giggle by play punching me in the arm.

I roll my eyes at her, not wanting to waste anymore of my precious time, and walk away.

She follows behind and grabs me by the wrist and pulls me back, just as Natalie did this morning, it hurts my scars again. I gasp silently at the quick pain and shove her grip off of me, while looking at her sharply.

"What?!" I shoot a look at her.

"What's wrong? I'm just happy to see you again! I haven't seen you since middle school!"

She was obviously oblivious to what she had done to me, a month into my entry in the hospital.

"You had the choice to continue seeing me! But instead, it was apparently... What did you say... Oh I remember! 'Too much of a hassle to come to keep visiting me!'" I begin to tear up.

She started to fully cry. "I'm sorry.... I really am. I was a b*tch. I just thought you would understand at the time."

"How the hell would I understand?! My BEST friend left me when I was at my weakest! I was left with ZERO friends! And I still am!" I stop the tears and turn it into rage.

If we weren't in a mall, I'd be screaming, but I kept my tone low... some how.

She hands me a piece of paper with a phone number on it.

"If you ever want to be friends again, text me. I really miss you. And again, I am very sorry."

That's when I had enough of this conversation. I crumbled the small piece of paper up and dropped it on the floor. She looks at me with guilt in her eyes and rejoins her group of friends. Who were also mine back then, but they didn't matter to me as much as Taylor did.

I collect myself and take a deep breath.

Before walking away, I picked up the crumbled piece of paper I threw on the ground, because let's face the fact... I could really use a friend when I get back to the real world. I mean, I'll at least think about it.

I head to my first stop... my favorite store, Rue 21. Basically anything in that store I would wear.

An hour goes by and I picked out 3 pairs of shorts, a pair of jeans, some new flip flops, converse, and grey vans. I also managed to buy a new jean jacket and about 15 shirts along with 3 dresses. Like I said before, I was taking full advantage of having the privilege to buy anything I want with the hospital's credit card.

* * *

I was now back at the hospital and I just finished putting away all my new clothes after showing them all to Natalie who came in to say goodnight.

I put on my pjs and decided it was one of those nights I needed to go write some music. I had a lot of inspiration at the moment with all that happened with Taylor and crap.

Once I put on black pajama pants and a white tank top, I grabbed my guitar and woke up Emma from her nap on the window sill. Her following behind, we headed to the stairwell climbing fast. Halfway up, I became more and more out of breath. Soon becoming dizzy. I pushed through, but now I realize that wasn't that best idea. I was starting to lose control over my eye sight and soon, everything went black.

Well...this chapter SUCKED! Sorry 😓

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