Chapter 13- What's Wrong With Me?

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"Cameron!" I yell as Cam picks me up and puts me over his shoulder. "I'm not in the mood!" I laugh.

"Well now you are!" He says as he laughs and continues walking toward the volleyball court.

I felt my ass sticking out so that was another reason I needed him to put me down.

"Cameron! I mean it! I can't see the other guys yet!"

"Why not?" He says as he switches carrying me from over his shoulder to bridal style.

"Because I'm not ready!"

"Wow, you're really light!" He totally ignores me as we are almost at our destination. The guys could see us coming from the distance by now.


"What do you weight? Like 50 pounds?" He laughs as he continues to change the subject.

But sadly, he was almost correct about my weight.

We reach the guys and Cameron puts me down as I begin to be checked out by all 8 gorgeous magcon boys. I had no clue how any of them could check me out?

"Well damn..." Carter says his familiar phrase and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Matthew Espinosa at your service." Matt says as he bends over and bows to me holding my hand causing me to blush and giggle.

"Hey Matt" I could feel my cheeks throbbing heat.

Taylor then slides in front of Matt breaking our grip on each other causing me to laugh... Again.


I cut him off. "Taylor, I know." I faintly smile.

To save everyone time, I point to each guy one by one. "You're Matt, Taylor, Nash, Carter, Jack G, Jack J, Aaron, Hayes, Shawn, and of course Cameron!"

They all laugh at my knowledge and probably forgot I was a fan.

"Okay then... Since you got it all figured out, let's play!" Nash announces and all the guys go back to their spots on the court.

I take a few steps back knowing I really don't want to play.

"Britt! Come on!" Cameron shouts over to me and motions his hand to come over to him.

I shook my head 'no', holding my arm to my chest, shutting everyone away, as I usually do.

Cam looked as if he was going to start walking towards me when bam! The volleyball hits him right in the side of the head. Everyone, including me, busted out laughing causing Cameron to start blushing pretty bad but it was so adorable.

* * *

It's been about 2 hours and after Cameron got hit in the head, I started playing volleyball with them all out of guilt from Cam. The game just finished about 15 minutes ago and now only me, Matt, Cameron, Nash, and Taylor were left on the beach. Everyone else went home. We were sitting on the beach in a circle just talking, getting to know each other. The sun was beginning to set, making the sky pink. It was beautiful. I couldn't be happier!

"So Cameron, how'd the girlfriend situation turn out last night?" Nash asks as he plays with a seashell he just found in the sand.

Well she locked her bedroom door so I had to sleep back at my house.

"Harsh." Nash says.

"Whipped..." Taylor jokes making Cameron give him a look and I couldn't help but laugh a little to myself.

The Heart Wants What it Wants (Cameron Dallas) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now