Chapter 39- I'm So Sorry

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It was now pitch dark out and Aubrey forced me to come to where the boys are being picked up by the bus to say goodbye. I don't why she's making me go because she's only going for Carter.

Her and I approach the boys boarding the bus, putting their luggage in the bottom of the bus. Carter spots Aubrey and she races into his open arms leaving me to stand in there uncomfortably. I was wearing Cameron's sweatshirt and sweats still. I haven't worn anything else for the past week and I could care less. As long as I wash it, there's no problem with it.

Matt spots me with my arms crossed and trying not to make eye contact with any of them. He walks closer to me with his arms open and I didn't bother to meet the hug. I was too cold to move. It was surprisingly chilly for being California.

"How are ya holdin' up princess?" He expresses with sympathy.

"I'm okay." I lie

"No you're not." He sighs and pulls me in for another hug and I lose it and hug back and cry a little into his shoulder.

"I just feel like everyone around me hates my guts and I'm not even worth anything." I mumble into his chest through the tears.

"Hey, I never want to hear you talk like that after what happened. Please don't disappear on me. I need you in my life. Forever." He kissed my cheek and the bus honks their horn. "I'm coming!" He shouts towards the bus.

I peek over his shoulder and see that everyone is in the bus already and Carter and Aubrey are sharing their final kisses and hugs. I was jealous. That could've been me and Cameron.

"Matt, I love you." I randomly came out with uncomfortably.

"I'd like to see you say that when you don't need a shoulder to cry on." He grins and kisses my cheek once more and walks to the bus leaving me in a horrible state of mind.

He was right. I didn't love him like that. Just as a friend, but why did he have to sound so harsh about it? Saying it with a smile or not, it doesn't matter. Just his words hurt that here the whole time he wants me to think of him more than a friend.

I immediately dig my phone out of my pocket and text him.

To: Matt 🙊

I'm sorry

From: Matt 🙊

No need to be sorry. I didn't mean it in any way to make you feel horrible about not liking me back. I just wanted you to be aware on how much you mean to me. When I hold you in my arms, I always feel like being with you is a possibility until you begin to cry, then that reminds me that Cameron is who you love.

To: Matt 🙊

I'm so sorry 😓

From: Matt 🙊

See you in 2 weeks princess. 😘

The last text made me smile a little but just like Matt said, Cameron comes back to my mind immediately. I see him staring at me from the back window of the bus with a long face. I mouthed the words "I love you" and a tear falls down my cheek. He disappears from the window with no expression and didn't even mouth anything back.

Aubrey rejoins me and the bus drives down the road. The further it drives, the more my heart breaks. I can't handle this anymore.

So sorry for another short chapter but I thought this was a super sad chapter 😔. The big revealing of Britt's anorexia secret comes out to Cam soon! Keep reading! Thanks for the support guys 😘

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