Chapter 42- Wake Up Beautiful

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I posted the first chapter of my "Magcon Sex Slave" book!!! GO READ IT PLEASE!!! :D

~~~2 Days Later~~~


It's been 2 days since Brittany's nurse, Natalie, told me that she was making improvement and I couldn't be happier. She's improved even more since then, I'm glad to say.

She's now mumbling in her sleep and can move her head and hands. She hasn't been able to grasp any sort of communication thought but we're getting her there. I know I should just be greatful for having any sort of improvement at all, but I still just want her back completely. Something tells me that all the mumbling and twitching she does in her sleep now, is because of me. If she were awake, she'd seem to be as if she were crying. I don't know exactly how to explain it, but just the way she jolts and shivers in her apparent dreams she's been having, she seems either scared or horrifically sad at something. It makes me feel awful to have to watch her in that much distress.

"Hey" I hear someone enter the room and walk closer from behind me.

"Hey" I say back to Britt's friend, Taylor.

Apparently Taylor was a friend of Britt's for a while but just became friends again a couple months ago. She heard about her being in the hospital from hear-say at school so she came to the hospital and found me. She was apparently a fan of ours also, but more of a fan of Shawn than me. We met yesterday and something about us just clicked and we're acutally really good friends now. I think it's because she is a really chill girl and she does a really good job of comforting me when I was at my lowest point last night when she arrived a couple hours before that.

She hands me a coffee and sits on the chair beside me, as we sit beside Brittany and just watch her little movements once and a while.

"How are ya holdin' up?" She asks placing her hand on my back.

"Well I'm not dead so I guess okay..." She giggles as if it were a joke. "I'm serious..."

"What do you mean? You can't be serious?!"

"When I say I can't live without her, I mean it."

"Cameron, do you hear yourself? You are a 20 year old, apparently in love with a 16 year old who you only met 3 months ago out of luck... how in Earth can you say you rather die than not be with her?"

"Excuse me?"

"Cameron... you have over 5 million fans around the world and you're willing to put all of those fans in pain because you decided you loved a girl so much?"

"Get out..." I stare at her as if she were the most evil person. "You are no friend of Brittany's if you are seriously going to tell me how I... her boyfriend, should feel about her!"
She attempts placing her hand back on my back and I stand up to whip her away. "GET THE FUCK OUT BEFORE I CALL DAMN SECURITY!" I grit my teeth and she runs towards the door.

Before she makes her final exit, she places a animal carrier and a guitar-shaped case in the door. "Here's Emma. Brittany was having me hold her for her until she moved into somewhere safe."

And with that she leaves, again another person leaving me in complete confusion.

I stare at the carrier and hear movement, but no sounds of whatever animal it was. Dog? Cat? Rabbit? I didn't know because Brittany never mentioned anything about her having a pet. I also never knew Brittany played the guitar. How many things was this girl hiding from me?

I walk over to the carrier and open the door and out pokes out a small nose and some whiskers before stepping out revealing a grey tiger cat. It was really cute the way she immediately came up to me and rubbed against my legs letting out the loudest purr I've ever heard. I let out a faint laugh and pick her up and take her over to the chair besides Brittany, with me. I let go of her to stand on my lap, and she sniffs Brittany and her purrs slow down. I watch as she crawls onto the bed with Britt and lays right next to her and curls into a ball.

The purrs begin again and I happen to glance at Brittany's closed eyes then down at her kissable lips... that crack open! I hear her take a deep breath and I knew, this had to be my chance to say what I've been wanting say for such a long time now.

"Wake up beautiful."

I feel like this chapter was total crap. :/ sorry

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