Chapter 36- Half a Discovery

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I jolt awake as I come out of a bad dream about Logan hurting me. It felt so real and scary I was sweating, breathing heavily and just felt extremely depressed. My obnoxious movements wake up Cameron and he quickly sits up in the bed, still next to me and holds me.

"Shhh... it was just a dream baby girl."

I tried slowing my breathing but it was no use so I escape his grasp on me and slip out of his bed and head to his bathroom, locking the door behind me without saying anything to him.

I stare at myself in the mirror and continue to feel panicked and scared to death. The feelings soon mellow out but are replaced with the one thing I didn't want to do but I have to.


I hear crying then complete silence. I become worried and freaked out pretty quickly and race over to the closed bathroom door.

"Are you all right baby? Open up." I try to say in the most sympathetic voice without sounding too worried to work her up even more.

No answer. No sounds at all.


Still no sounds and then it dawns to me what she could be doing. I scramble myself to reach up on top of the door frame and feel around for the key. I finally find it and waste no time to unlock the door. When I open up, Brittany's crying so hard that she was literally breathless. Her wrist was slit multiple times and I couldn't hold back the tears. I break down and fall on the floor next to her after grabbing a towel to soak up the blood. I wrap my arm around her and pull her close as her cries finally add sound to them. I was crying because I never would've thought she'd do this again. And second, she does not deserve to ever feel this way. Just like I said last night, something has to be done about this.


It's been 2 hours since this morning's episode with Brittany and we were now sitting on my couch in the living room, cuddling once again. I love to cuddle, but just not with a girl who is in so much pain to even notice my presence. She even had to skip school today. We promised each other that we would have no one come in contact with us than each other. Which as you can already tell, that was a rule mostly in honor of her. She gave me her phone and I barely picked up mine unless it was to answer a quick text.

As she laid in my arms, staring at the TV, I took to notice the bags under her eyes. The black and blue marks on her hip and some other ones on her arms and legs. She was exhausted and looked like she was beaten brutally. It killed me inside so badly to think that her own brother could do something like this and her mom and dad do nothing about it. What hurts me the most is that I have to sit here and just be here to hold her. I can't do anything about it because she's under age. I'd go to jail.

I look down at her beautiful face to admire her beauty, but come to notice her eyes closed and she was finally asleep. Something tells me she didn't sleep much last night at all... obviously. I slowly and cautiously slipped out from under neath her and placed her gently on her side, with her head on a pillow. She thankfully didn't move a muscle. I reach in my pocket for her phone as I feel it viberating and walk out onto the balcony and talk cautiously as I begin to answer the phone call to the number with no contact name to it.


"Who the hell is this?" I woman says in a harsh tone.

"This is Brittany's friend, and who is this?"

"Her foster mother. Where is she?!" She raises her tone but I was too shocked to say another word.

I hang up the phone and turn it off completely.

Foster mom? So that means.... Brittany is an orphan?!


Sorry for a short chapter but I mean, how could I not end right there?! Lol

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