Chapter 43- Never Love Again

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"Wake up beautiful." I say with a smile accompanied by a tear that escaped my eye.

Her eyes flutter open and she doesn't smile back. Instead, her eyes seem to water.

"Babe what's wrong?" I wipe my thumb under eye to catch some of the tears.

"I can't remember anything..." She pauses holding her head. "But, i'm sorry..." She whispers and I can't help but kiss her cheek at her innocence.

"There's nothing to be sorry for. I should be the one who's sorry. I over reacted when you needed me the most." I whisper and kiss the back of her hand.


Nothing that he said made me feel any different. All I remember from before I was knocked out, is that I wanted to die. I was hoping that once everything went black, it would be the end of me. Cameron or anyone else around me deserves me because all I do is mess things up and hurt people. Cameron was never truly happy. I know that for a fact. That's why he needs to stay away.

"I'm going to go call the guys and let them know the news." He smiles with me breaking my heart just to think I have to watch that smile, soon fade. Pretty fast actually.

I watch him walk out of the room and I attempt to get out of the bed, but am held to it by wires, taped to my skin. I continue to try and struggle out of them but I ran out of time, by Cam walking back in the room. He comes and sits down on the edge of my hospital bed and looks at me with a tear that escapes his eye. I reach my hand up to his face and gently brush it away, as he did for me.

"I'm no reason to cry Cameron."

"Stop talking like that."

"Cameron, I need you to leave." I say out of the blue.

I may as well get it over with before I fall right back in love again. But this time, It'd probably be deeper than ever. I can't risk that.

"What?! What do you mean?"

"Cam, I know this is out of no where..." I pause to attempt to collect myself from crying but it was no use. The tears begin quietly flooding out of my eyes. "...but you need to leave me alone.... forever." I whisper out because that's all I could manage.

His eyes were beat-red and his breathing was abnormal and loud. I've never seen him so broken. "See? This is what I do to you....I can't hurt you anymore if you're not with me." I cry and he grabs my hands and I force myself to pull away quickly.

"Please don't do this without even telling me what's wrong." He cries to me and I was at the point of a complete emotional break down.

"I have severe anorexia ever since I was 13..." I admit into a shameful whisper. I couldn't even look at him when I said it.

"But you were doing fine all this time..."

"No Cam, I was never fine. Put the pieces together. Now leave please."

Our sounds of crying are interrupted when Natalie pokes her head in the door and then steps fully in.

"I'm never leaving you."

"Cameron... leave now." I stand my ground and it was the toughest thing I've ever had to say.

"Mr. Dallas... please leave now." Natalie gets the hint and tries to escort him out of my room but his teary eyes get to me as he runs over to my side.

He leans down over me and wraps his arms completely around me and cries into the crook of my neck. I never thought any guy could cry as much as he is right now.

"I love you so much." He whispers in my ear and pecks a kiss on my neck then stares into my eyes and kisses my lips then leaves respectively.

Natalie and him both disappear out the door and once the door clicks shut, I lose it. I will never love anyone else again as much as I loved Cameron Dallas.


Sorry if I said the word "crying" too much in the chapter. There's wasn't many words to describe how much they would be crying.

And just a heads up, this book will soon be over. I'm sorry :/

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