Chapter 35- Abused

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Brittany's been over at the Jack's and Taylor's place for way to long now. I'm becoming severely worried and a little unsecure. I decided enough was enough and headed over to the apartment and banged on the door. Johnson answered and I pushed past him to find Brittany hugging Jack. Oh please.

"Are you guys done now? I have a night with my girlfriend to get on to."

"Actually Cam, I have to go home. I'm sorry." She says as she comes over to me and kisses my jaw line and walks past me to walk out the door, but that wasn't enough.

I grab her hand and place my hand sweetly on her cheek and kiss her on the lips, like she deserves to be kissed. Plus, I need to remind her who truly loves her. I'm not the one who cheated on her.

"I love you." She smiles as I release the kiss and glides gracefully away and disappears into the hall.

I wait to hear the ding of the elevator door shutting down the hall until I lose my cool.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I yell at Jack wiping his pathetic pretend tears away.

"What are you talking about? I just wanted to fully apologize to her. Calmly this time. Plus, I thought we were cool?!"

"Well the way you act, how can we be cool? Just stay away from my girlfriend if you're gonna pull this crap all the time."

"What crap?! Feeling bad for what I did?!" He defends and the more he said, the more heated I'd get.

"The crap where you pretend like you're hurt and a wuss about everything. We all know that you don't ever cry and if you do, you certainly make sure no one sees."

And with that, before I became too mad, I go back to my apartment. Not even 10 seconds of being in my apartment, before I hear another knock at my door.

"What now?" I sigh frustrated as I go for the door handle.

I open it and see Brittany looking right at me with an embarrassing grin on her face. I immediately calm down at the sigh of her. She truly knows how to turn my rage into calmness just by being her cute self.


"Hey. I forgot I don't have a car." I giggle and he laughs adorably back at me.

"Then just stay the night." He winks at me and I almost melt.

"I can't. You know that. I would if I could though." I sigh and look down at my feet, when out of the blue he tilts my chin up to look up at him and kisses me without hesitation; probably trying to change my mind.

Soon becoming quickly heated, he guides me in the apartment with the intense kiss never breaking. He licks my lips, begging for entrance and I don't let him in until he bites my lip. His tongue explores my mouth as he picks me up and I wrap myself around him. He sits me on the kitchen counter and presses me up against the wall while he moves his passionate kisses down to my neck. His hands make their way to underneath me, where he squeezes my ass, forcing a moan out of me.

"Are you sure you can't stay the night?" He whispers seductively in between his make out sesh with my neck.

I use all my force to push him away even though that was the last thing I wanted to do. "I'm sorry baby I have to."

I jump off the counter and kiss him one last time and wait for him to grab his keys.

"Fine. Let's go."

"You're going like that?" A small giggle escapes my lip bite.

"Yeah? Why not? Afraid you'll be too tempted while I'm driving." He winks again and follows me out the door. "Besides, I've done it numerous times before."

The Heart Wants What it Wants (Cameron Dallas) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now