Chapter 15- It Doesn't Matter

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As I begin to open my eyes, I'm blinded by sunlight... again. I sit up a little and freeze when I feel a warm breath on my the back of my neck.

Cameron was still sleeping, holding me. My fangirl side starts freaking out.

Holy shit I just fell asleep in the arms of Cameron Dallas.... 😳

I lay back down not wanting him to wake up just yet. I grab my phone off of the floor below me, that's in reach and unlock it. Oh my god it was already noon...

I brush off the time because I can't be in any more trouble than I already am. Plus, I'm having the best couple hours of my life so far so I'm not in any hurry to end it.

I open my camera and take a picture of me and Cam making sure my sound isn't on. That would be pretty embarrassing and creepy if he caught me. As I reach my finger to the lock button again, I see I have a new text message.

From: Natalie 🏥

You're still not back?! What the hell?!

To: Natalie 🏥

I'm sorry! I'm with Cam and he's still asleep and I have no ride back to the hospital.

From: Natalie 🏥

I'm coming to get you. Be outside waiting in 5 minutes.

To: Natalie 🏥

How do you know where I am?

From: Natalie 🏥

I have a tracker in your phone remember?

To: Natalie 🏥

Oh... Okay, see you then.

I lock my phone and put it in my shorts pocket that I still had on from yesterday and try to slip out of Cameron's muscular, tan, and toned arms. It killed me to leave but I needed to get back to the reality of my hospital life.

As I slipped on my flip flops that were by the door, I thought of the idea to leave a note before I left.

As I scramble around his computer desk next to the window side of the room that overlooks some of the city and the beach. I finally find a notepad and pen and start to quickly write,

Sorry I had to leave. I was going to get in even more trouble for being out even longer than I said. Thank you for letting me stay the night and thank you for the amazing day yesterday. Hope we can hang out again soon.


I quickly put the note on his kitchen counter island and head out the door. My first step out the door, I step on something. I look down and see the pizza box that Cam ordered last night. I laughed at how they just left it there and left.

* * *

I was back at the hospital and was in HUGE trouble. I first of all had to stay in my room all day today and all day tomorrow and my release date into the foster home was pushed back another day just as a punishment. It could've been worse if it wasn't for Natalie being there for me. She probably made them go easy on me, thankfully.

I was now sitting on my comfy couch with my guitar writing another song with Emma curled up literally on top of my feet on the floor. I don't know how that is comfortable, but whatever, she's my weird cat.

I sing out loud to the lyrics I just wrote.

(This is, Nothing Would Be Better by Nick Jonas these aren't exactly the lyrics. I changed a couple words, but you should listen to the song while you read it.)

"Nothing is forever
Nothing could be better than the love you're giving me.

I just gotta have you, wish it didn't have to be her, when are you gonna set me free?

It seems like, like it or love, we weren't meant from the start, I know you would agree.

But nothing is forever and nothing would be better, better, than you and me."

I take a breath while I strum for a rest, and realize how perfect these lyrics are that I wrote.

"Take the worst of what you got, it hurts more than sticks and rocks, but you know I'll be there, you know I'll be there.

But I won't be there to come hurt your heart but I will be there when it's hurt by her. So I will be here, you should know I'll be here.

Cause I used to live in fear of where's my home, but there are harder things to be than all alone.

You're the broken part of me that makes me whole, but you're still unsure."

I couldn't play any more because of my tears landing on the strings, slipping my fingers off.

"I just want to be with him..." I whisper out loud to myself.


"CAM! Open up man!" Is all I hear as I jump up out of a deep sleep, heart now racing.

I get up to get the door and when I open it, it's Nash and the Jacks.

(Lol, #nacks 😜)

"Hey man, why are you still in your clothes from last night?" Nash asks as he lets himself into my apartment, the Jacks following close behind.

"I fell asleep in them." I say simply rubbing my eyes and sitting on the couch that I was sleeping on.

"Or is it because a pretty lady fell asleep with you???!" Johnson says raising his eye brows, trying not to laugh from the kitchen counter.

I take to notice him holding up a note up in the air. I jump up to whip it out of his hands. As I read the guys take to notice my uncontrollable blushing. I didn't even know why I was.

"So how was she?" Nash smirked at me.

"Dude, we didn't do anything!" I become quickly defensive and yell.

"Bro, chill! I was just kidding!" He laugh causing the Jacks to laugh with him.

I sit down on the couch and see that Jack G hasn't said anything the whole time he's been here.

"Gilinsky, what's up?" Jack J apparently takes to notice too and asks him followed by a playful slap on the arm.

"Nothing." Was all he had to respond with.

"Doesn't seem like nothing."

"Fine, Cameron... What the hell dude?" He says as he leans forward trying to come off stern.

"What do you mean?"

"You just met the girl 2 days ago and you hardly know anything about her. Plus, you have a girlfriend!"

"So? We're just friends!"

"Does she know that? Is she okay with that?!"

I was becoming frustrated but he was right. I didn't know how Brittany felt about just being friends. She knows I have a girlfriend but that won't prevent anyone from having feelings. Single or not. I should know due to past experiences.

"Wait... Do you like Brittany?" I ask him and I watch him sit back into the couch and clam up.

"JACK LIKES BRITTANY!!!!" Johnson childishly jokes jumping up and down on the couch.

"I can't stop thinking about her..." He finally admits.

Something inside me didn't feel too at ease with his confession but it didn't matter, as the feeling soon went away.

The Heart Wants What it Wants (Cameron Dallas) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now