Chapter 16- Embarassed

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***2 DAYS LATER***


My punishment given to me ends today. I get to leave again today and I get to leave permanently to the foster home in 3 days. I was already packed up in my hospital room and met my new foster parents yesterday. Just as I was hoping wasn't going to happen... They're strict! And I mean strict as f*ck. Curfews at 5:30 on school nights, 8:30 on weekends. I couldn't hang out with any friends unless the parents came with me, and I couldn't have a boyfriend... like at all! It's complete bull shit. And on top of it all, I will be sharing a room with a weird girl in the home. I don't know if she's another foster kid or their kid but whoever she is, she's weird. She doesn't talk, doesn't get out of her bed unless she absolutely has to, and she's goth. I didn't meet her yet but that's all I got on her deal. The foster parents told me she was caught with many guys in her room before and she also ran away from home a couple times. And yep! I have to share a room with someone who scares me for my life. Can't wait... 😖

Cameron texted me a couple minutes ago and asked if I wanted to hang out today and I without a doubt said yes. I was getting ready right now. I just finished putting on my outfit which was regular jean shorts and a plain white tank top with my hair up in a pony tail. I have to admit, I hated pony tails but I was seeing if Cameron liked it. When I finish my make up, eye shadow, mascara, eyeliner, you know my routine by now...

I grab my water bottle and put a snack bag size of crackers in my wristlet just in case I had to show Cameron that I did eat while I was a with him. I then grab my phone, then head out of my room after kissing Emma. Don't judge me....

As I happily walk towards the elevator, Natalie stops me and hands me a small, black device.

"What's this?"

"A pager. You press that button when you're ready for the car to come pick you up and they'll track you to see where you are."


"Have fun. Be back at the curfew time this time. This is your last chance. If you make another mistake like that again, you won't be allowed to leave the hospital until you're released in 3 days."

"About that... Can I please have an extension to the curfew? Please! I can't handle having only a short amount of time with Cameron." I hesitated to ask to begin with, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

I watch her eyes wonder and eventually land on me. "Fine.... 7:30."

"10..." I quickly jump back.


"9:45! My last request." I laugh a little as she gives me a surrendering smirk.

"Fine! Now go. You're wasting your own time." She chuckles, defeated and watches as I rush to the elevator yelling for the people inside, to hold it for me.

I make it in the elevator and get a text from Cam again. It immediately puts a smile on my face.

From: Cam 😏

Hey! I'm gonna be a little late so how about you just meet me at my apartment instead of where we planned.

To: Cam 😏

Ok? Send me the address.

From: Cam 😏

Promise you won't give it out? 😏😏😏 haha jk jk!!

To: Cam 😏

Good cause I was gonna slap you 😜 you know I'd never do that!

From: Cam 😏

Haha, anyways, it's apartment 716 floor 21 at Beverly Apartments on Sunset. You know what the building looks like. Also, the pin to my apartment is 0647 if I don't answer the door quick enough. Lol

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